
Physician pay: What goes up must come down

Compensation in the most common physician specialties has been growing much faster than inflation for the past five years. Now, financially squeezed hospitals are set to reverse that trend.

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Answer on Indiana Medicaid plan could take some time

The head of the state Family and Social Services Administration said Tuesday that the federal government is expected to approve an extension of the Healthy Indiana Plan, but a request to use the plan for an Indiana Medicaid expansion could take much longer.

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Obamacare rebates total $22.6M in Indiana

Indiana consumers are set to receive rebates that are 59 percent larger this year as Obamacare continues to force health insurers to refund premiums that exceed actual medical claims by more than 20 percent.

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Indiana tangles with shortage of rural doctors

The federal health care overhaul is expected to exacerbate problems regarding access to care in rural Indiana communities where is there is already a shortage of doctors and other health care providers.

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Are employers ready to limit workers’ choice of doctor?

The real test of so-called narrow network health plans will come not with Obamacare’s exchanges, which cater to individuals, but with employers, who control a far bigger slice of the health benefits pie and have highly reluctant to limit their workers' choice of hospitals and doctors.

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Lawmakers pass Medicaid ball back to Pence

After a four-month debate, the Legislature ended pretty much where it started on a potential expansion of Medicaid: Lawmakers are letting Gov. Mike Pence go one-on-one with President Obama to see what kind of deal he can strike.

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