
State slow to move to money-saving home health care

Indiana taxpayers are paying about $300 million a year in nursing home costs despite a state law that would allow the state to save millions while keeping many elderly and disabled Hoosiers in their homes or with family members.

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Parties near deal for hospital tax

Officials from Indiana Medicaid and a hospital trade group are trying to craft a deal that would create a tax on hospitals that would help attract more federal funds for hospitals—thereby offsetting looming cuts in state payments.

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Q&A: Derek Bang

Derek Bang, practice leader of health care advisory services at the Crowe Horwath accounting firm in Indianapolis, spent a week in March studying health care in the United Kingdom, especially its universal health care program. He was surprised by the “daily barrage of criticism” he heard about the National Health Service, but also found that the United Kingdom and United States face very similar issues when it comes to constraining growth in health care costs.

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Lilly bumped up federal lobbying in third quarter

The Indianapolis-based drugmaker spent $2.1 million in the three months that ended Sept. 30, a 5-percent increase from the same quarter last year and a jump of more than 30 percent from the $1.6 million it spent in this year's second quarter.

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Indiana Medicaid cuts likely to be followed by more

The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning has approved a series of emergency rules that it expects to save a total of $4.1 million over the next six months, but that will make up for only a small portion of the $31.4 million shortfall the agency anticipates for the fiscal year.

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