Holcomb signs pre-K expansion, needle exchange bills
The preschool pilot will expand from five counties to up to 20 under the bill.
The preschool pilot will expand from five counties to up to 20 under the bill.
President Donald Trump proposed dramatic cuts in corporate and personal taxes Wednesday in an overhaul his administration asserts will spur national economic growth and bring jobs and prosperity to America’s middle class.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is leaving thousands of positions unfilled, citing the need for a leaner VA as it develops a longer-term plan to allow more veterans to seek medical care in the private sector.
Gov. Eric Holcomb declined to say whether he'll sign bills that would limit which businesses can sell cold carryout beer and eliminate much of the current financial incentive for installing solar panels.
One of the victories, tech leaders said, was the legislative green light for a toll-road fund to invest $250 million in venture capital. But the mechanism for doing so has yet to be determined.
In his only veto so far this Legislative session, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb shot down a bill that would have allowed public agencies to charge a fee if a public records request took longer than two hours to complete.
The previous system had been thrown out by a federal appeals court in 2015 as unconstitutional, and Indiana Senate President Pro Tempore David Long said it was the Legislature’s responsibility to replace it.
Gov. Eric Holcomb will have 60 days to choose one of three names forwarded by the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission.
The new test would be used for the first time in 2019, meaning ISTEP still has one more year of life.
The final version of the bill eschews a proposed $1 per pack cigarette tax increase. But it includes many of Gov. Eric Holcomb’s priorities.
The bill sets such a high bar that Jay Ricker, who started selling carryout cold beer at two of his Ricker’s convenience stores, says he will have to stop sales by April 2018.
The bill is now in Gov. Eric Holcomb’s hands and awaits his signature or veto.
The budget allots $22 million annually for the state’s fledgling pre-kindergarten pilot program—$9 million more than the Senate version of the bill proposed, and more than double the $10 million the program gets now.
The deal—which has the support of both House and Senate leaders—means drivers will pay more at the pump and more when they register their vehicles.
Indiana lawmakers plan to release a broad outline Thursday afternoon of an agreement to raise taxes in order to fund road projects.
The latest version of the bill still needs required signatures from legislative leaders—and it still requires approval from both the House and Senate.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said the deal hits the "sweet spot" of both chambers' priorities.
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett faces a tough battle in taking on ingrained, multigenerational issues involving homelessness, poverty, education and crime. But in his State of the City address, he vowed to try.
Supporters of the bill, which would restrict cities from outright bans on short-term rentals like Airbnbs, have just a few days to bring it up again this year.
Mitsch Design Inc. said it will to invest nearly $2.4 million to expand its offices at the Indiana Design Center on Rangeline Road.