Holcomb, Gregg say Indiana must do more to fight drug abuse
Democrat John Gregg and Republican Eric Holcomb said during a debate Tuesday they would support more drug treatment and prevention programs.
Democrat John Gregg and Republican Eric Holcomb said during a debate Tuesday they would support more drug treatment and prevention programs.
In an effort to clear up confusion, the legislature passed a law earlier this year that requires voters to select each candidate they wish for at-large county council and town council seats.
Ratings service Moody’s said Indianapolis’ ability to maintain a AAA rating on $78.6 million of general obligation debt reflects a “healthy financial position despite continued draws on reserves to support ongoing operations and capital maintenance.”
Republican Eric Holcomb and Democrat John Gregg are going into the last two weeks of their contentious campaign for the Indiana governor’s office by facing each other in a final televised debate Tuesday evening.
Obamacare premiums will go up sharply next year under and many consumers will be down to just one insurer to choose from, the administration confirmed Monday.
Samuel Odle, a former hospital executive who was elected to the IPS board in 2012, served on ITT’s board of directors since 2006. The for-profit higher education company closed in September in the wake of federal sanctions.
The revelations in the schedule raise new questions about Evan Bayh's ties to Indiana and his use of official funds as he campaigns to help Democrats retake the Senate.
Early voting is available downtown at the Indianapolis City-County Building from now through Nov. 7. The Marion County Clerk’s Office is offering free parking for voters.
A Democratic-aligned group at the center of an Indiana investigation into possible voter fraud said Thursday it focused on registering black residents of Indiana because the state had the nation's lowest overall voter turnout in 2014.
Indianapolis officials had success recovering $1.2 million from Mexico-bound Carrier Corp. In the case of Rexnord Corp., which announced a tentative plant closure last week, the incentives in play could be far less.
If the school district’s ballot measures worth $230 million pass, the district says it will upgrade technology, renovate existing schools and build a new elementary school.
A day after warning of potential voting fraud, Indiana’s secretary of state acknowledged Wednesday that many of the thousands of altered registration forms she flagged might just be from residents rushing to correct their names or birth dates ahead of the election.
The Federal Communications Commission said Wednesday that the wireless carrier had a policy to slow down the speeds of its heaviest data users.
Marion County courts process about 12 million pages of documents every year. Beginning this month, the paper system will switch to digital, requiring buy-in from attorneys, judges and clerks.
Democrat Evan Bayh and Republican Todd Young accused each other of being Washington insiders and putting special interests over Hoosiers during Tuesday night’s charged debate.
Indiana election officials say thousands of voter registrations have been altered in what's believed to be possible voter fraud.
Democratic former Sen. Evan Bayh and Republican Rep. Todd Young are set to face each other Tuesday evening in what could be their only debate during an increasingly nasty campaign for Indiana's open U.S. Senate seat.
With Donald Trump’s path to electoral victory appearing increasingly narrow, Hillary Clinton is confidently advancing into states the Democrats haven’t won in decades—including Indiana—as Trump attempts to focus attention on new allegations about the investigation into her email.
The House Ethics panel is evaluating whether to launch an official investigation into Indiana Rep. Marlin Stutzman.
The first pieces of the new initiative involving businesses, social-service groups and the police are launching this month.