Council to form task force to study easing taxi regulations
Local cab drivers have complained that current rules put them at a disadvantage when trying to compete with ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft.
Local cab drivers have complained that current rules put them at a disadvantage when trying to compete with ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft.
A public announcement isn’t scheduled until Friday morning, but finalists for the vice presidential slot have been told to expect a decision as early as Thursday afternoon. Donald Trump is leaning toward Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, CNN reported Thursday.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, several media outlets reported Thursday.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Thursday is scheduled to announce a plan to spend $1 billion over the next 10 years to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in the state.
The case for Mike Pence as running mate for Donald Trump is he’d bring credibility with evangelical Christians and Republican-elected officials across the ideological spectrum, constituencies with whom Trump’s reputation is shaky.
The Indianapolis-based company is accused of discriminating against families by imposing occupancy limits regardless of square footage.
Two Zionsville residents who have used Airbnb to rent an apartment above their garage to short-term visitors can no longer do so. The town’s zoning board saw no wiggle room in existing rules.
The Indiana Supreme Court has declined to rehear a case that sought to force lawmakers to release their email correspondence with lobbying groups and businesses.
Ivanka Trump joined her father at the governor’s Meridian Street residence as the GOP nominee for president continues to vet possible running mates.
Based on input from businesses, design options could include retaining walls, shifting the route to the east or west, and selecting different ramp locations.
Donald Trump and family members visited Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and other vice presidential candidates in Indianapolis on Wednesday. Trump posted on Twitter that he would reveal his choice at 11 a.m. Friday.
Election developments in Indiana and Kansas stand as the latest examples of Democratic attempts to mount competitive races on Republican-friendly terrain, as they try to capitalize on turmoil around Donald Trump's presidential candidacy.
Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Hamilton County amid speculation that he may pick Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate.
The head of former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' successful 2004 campaign has begun an effort to draft him to again seek the office if Donald Trump selects Gov. Mike Pence to be his running mate.
The Aerospace Industries Association plans to host its Supplier Management Council conference in Indianapolis in the spring of 2018, state officials announced Tuesday from a prestigious airshow in England.
President Barack Obama has written a game plan on health care for the next president, including a crackdown on prescription drug prices that may cut pharmaceutical manufacturers’ profits if adopted.
The billionaire businessman is expected to name his vice presidential pick in the coming days and the campaign appearances with Gov. Mike Pence would be the latest in a series of joint appearances Donald Trump has held with vice presidential prospects.
John Brademas was a Democrat and served 11 terms in Congress. He rose to majority whip, the No. 3 position in the U.S. House, before losing his seat in the 1980 Republican landslide when Ronald Reagan was elected to his first term as president.
The prospect of former U.S. Sen. and Indiana Gov. Evan Bayh taking Baron Hill’s spot as the Democratic nominee for Indiana’s contested U.S. Senate seat sent shockwaves through state and national political circles Monday morning.
A merger between two international cement companies—and a related antitrust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission—has put an east-side Indianapolis facility under new ownership.