Indiana Republicans facing choice in schools chief race
Republicans are looking to regain control of the state Department of Education from Democrat Glenda Ritz, who is seeking re-election to the position she won in in 2012.
Republicans are looking to regain control of the state Department of Education from Democrat Glenda Ritz, who is seeking re-election to the position she won in in 2012.
Proposed new federal rules aim to make sure borrowers of short-term, high-interest payday loans have the ability to repay them.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence reversed a previous position and announced on Thursday that he will seek federal money to help expand a pre-kindergarten program for disadvantaged children.
The records scanned mostly from microfilm rolls cover birth and death certificates dating back to the early 1900s and marriage records from 1958 through 2005.
Merchandise Warehouse said it will build a 90,000-square-foot, 50-foot-tall addition to its food-grade facility at 1414 S. West St.—a move that will boost its capacity by 25 percent.
The number of minimum-security inmates has fallen under new sentencing guidelines passed by the General Assembly in 2014 and 2015 that called for people convicted of Level 6 felonies to be restricted from state prisons.
In a visit to Elkhart on Wednesday, President Barack Obama tried to undermine Republican arguments about the economy, working to give cover to Democrats to embrace his policies ahead of the presidential election.
The distribution is part of $505 million that county auditors have distributed to local government units statewide, $435 million of which can be used for transportation funding.
When the president returns to the city of Elkhart on Wednesday, he will find the area remains heavily dependent on recreational vehicles and still striving to diversify its economy.
Seven insurers have filed requests to set new premiums for 2017, ranging from an average increase of 29 percent by Indianapolis-based Anthem Inc. to a decrease of 5.3 percent by Chicago-based Celtic Insurance Co.
Carey Hamilton hopes to replace Christina Hale on the ballot as Hale runs alongside Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg.
Reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, Donald Trump has completed an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape.
Civil rights, Sunday alcohol sales, sexual misconduct in schools, and improving the roads of the state will all be high-priority topics of discussion in the Indiana Statehouse this summer.
John Gregg stressed Christina Hale’s selection could help him gain the support of moderate Republican voters. He said Hale’s record of reaching across the aisle “speaks for itself.”
The study factored in K-12 education, health care and incarceration costs. But advocates say undocumented immigrants also add to the economy by paying taxes and purchasing goods.
During the June 1 visit, the president will participate in a town hall meeting to discuss the economic progress Elkhart and the nation have made, and the challenges that remain.
John Gregg's campaign said the former Indiana House speaker will introduce his lieutenant governor selection Wednesday morning at downtown's Indianapolis Artsgarden.
A committee tasked with recommending a bid to redevelop the Indianapolis Public Schools property at Massachusetts and College avenues announced its selection of the Wisconsin-based developer Tuesday evening.
The school recently filed a motion seeking to intervene, claiming the law could subject researchers to criminal charges because they use fetal tissue for research into autism, Alzheimer's and other diseases.
Jennifer Ping, a principal at Bose Public Affairs Group, stepped down because the new rules prohibit certain political leaders from doing business with the city.