City-County Council approves Hogsett’s ethics proposal
The rules are intended to strengthen gift-reporting requirements, impose stronger penalties for violations and create a website so the public has better access to ethics disclosures.
The rules are intended to strengthen gift-reporting requirements, impose stronger penalties for violations and create a website so the public has better access to ethics disclosures.
Several candidates from Hamilton County who are seeking state office were put on the spot Monday night in a public forum when they were asked to explain their positions on the state’s new abortion law and on LGBT rights.
The unanimous decision says the city can allow smoking at gambling facilities while banning it at bars.
A Medicare proposal to test new ways of paying for chemotherapy and other drugs given in a doctor's office has sparked a furious battle, and cancer doctors are demanding that the Obama administration scrap the experiment.
Indianapolis leaders are considering giving the police chief more discretion in hiring officers in an attempt to increase the number of black officers on the force, a problem the city has struggled with for decades.
Some of the hundreds of abortion rights supporters who attended Saturday's rally waved signs reading "Fire Mike Pence." Speakers took turns criticizing the new anti-abortion law, which bans abortions sought because of fetal genetic abnormalities.
At Plainfield High School on Thursday, Gov. Mike Pence ceremonially signed a bill that will provide up to $7,500 a year to cover tuition for students who commit to teaching in Indiana for at least five years.
To avoid appearances of a conflict of interest, Mary Ann Sullivan has removed herself from the bid process because of her husband’s ties to the two Milhaus bids.
During a tumultuous presidential primary, the linchpin in the Senate race might be what kind of voter shows up for the primary.
The money recovered from Carrier Corp. and its parent firm equals the amount the city provided in tax incentives in 2011. The company also has returned $380,000 to the state.
The new measure, signed by Gov. Mike Pence late last month, bans abortions sought because of fetal abnormalities, including those that can lead to later miscarriages, and mandates fetal remains be either cremated or buried.
Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt talked to a St. Joseph County official about helping her financially with her campaign in the same emails in which he discussed a contract the company he works for was seeking in the county.
Early voting began Tuesday across Indiana in advance of the May 3 primary election, one in which the state could hold more sway than usual in the presidential races for Democrats and Republicans.
House Speaker Brian Bosma said he didn’t know how much the case might end up costing, but believed it was important to protect the privacy of emails and other communications between lawmakers and their constituents.
The former Indianapolis mayor said he is considering several other opportunities.
Daniels eight years ago first proposed moving the presidential primary up, but his ideas never gained much traction in the Indiana General Assembly because a February or March primary would fall smack dab in the middle of the legislative session.
The Senate easily passed a bill Monday allowing corporations to make a federal case of the theft of trade secrets, but a broader patent-law overhaul backed by businesses including Eli Lilly and Co. faces a rougher road.
An Elwood Community High School student has worked with legislators to author a bill that would lower the age that people are eligible to run for state office from 25 to 21 in the Senate and 21 to 18 in the House of Representatives.
Starting in July 2017, all coaches for every public school sport offered to students in grades five through 12 must complete a course on how to spot symptoms of concussions.
The former senior vice president for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce was appointed to the role in June 2014. He’s leaving for another opportunity that he declined to identify on Friday.