IBJ’s most-read stories of 2015
Despite national attention paid to RFRA and Jared Fogle, most of IBJ’s top-read online stories this year were the result of deeply sourced reporting on people, issues and businesses specific to central Indiana.
Despite national attention paid to RFRA and Jared Fogle, most of IBJ’s top-read online stories this year were the result of deeply sourced reporting on people, issues and businesses specific to central Indiana.
The leader of an advocacy group for Indiana adoptees says there’s a good shot that state lawmakers will endorse a bill to expand access to sealed adoption records.
A federal judge has signaled unwillingness to permit wide-ranging discovery that the administration of Gov. Mike Pence sought as it continues to oppose a charity’s resettlement of Syrian refugees in Indiana.
Sen. Randy Head, R-Logansport, has modeled his legislation after a program in Pennsylvania that, over a decade, funded 93 projects that are providing more than 400,000 people with access to healthier food. However, Pennsylvania committed $30 million to the project and private investors offered another $145 million. The Indiana proposal would only earmark $1 million to the effort.
The average bill for Citizens Energy’s residential customers in the Indy metro area would jump from about $30 per month to $35.
Michigan workers making the minimum wage will see a 35-cents-an-hour raise starting Friday. Indiana’s minimum wage will remain $7.25 per hour.
Greg Ballard, 61, ends eight years as Indianapolis mayor on Thursday, capping a period during which he oversaw the city’s hosting of the Super Bowl while also struggling with violent crime problems.
The city of Indianapolis tried curb-side pickup of Christmas trees last season, but it's going back to asking residents to resume dropping trees off at city parks.
The Indiana Supreme Court wants to hear more from Hoosier Park about why patrons at its off-track betting parlor in downtown Indianapolis should be allowed to light up when smoking in similar public places is generally banned by city ordinance.
Reconfiguring the interchange is meant to ease congestion, improve safety and reduce travel times for drivers on the northeast side’s crowded commuter corridor.
Construction work on the IndyGo transit center, which is expected to become a hub for most of Indianapolis’ bus lines, has been delayed by seven months. The project’s estimated cost has risen from $20 million to $26.5 million.
If Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann is offered and accepts the job, it would shake up Gov. Mike Pence’s re-election effort, allowing the Republican to find a new running mate to join him on the November ticket.
There are 27 pay periods in 2015 for employees paid bi-weekly instead of the usual 26. That means the city had to come up with extra cash to make payroll.
Sen. Jim Tomes' bill would send people to jail for up to a year and fine them as much as $5,000 if they were convicted of entering a bathroom that does not match up with their birth gender.
The U.S. job market continues to appear strikingly robust. Over the past 12 months, the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has dropped 7.7 percent to 2.2 million.
Republican Greg Ballard was full of surprises after an unlikely mayoral victory eight years ago. As he leaves the mayor’s office, he hopes his legacy is a new group of GOP leaders.
Investigators found no evidence that students were given incorrect lower scores on this spring’s high-stakes ISTEP exam, according to state officials.
The pay increases will be based on performance evaluations that are completed in January, and could reach as high as 6 percent for outstanding work.
To launch a needle exchange program, community officials must convince the state it has a hepatitis C or HIV outbreak.
The audit of Terre Haute’s finances raise doubts about its ability to continue to operate as a municipality. It notes that the city is one of those hardest hit by reductions in property values and property tax caps.