
Governor picks up pace on bill signings

Gov. Mike Pence continued signing into law measures dealing with everything from adoption to control of feral cat populations as the clock wound down on taking action on bills from the 2014 session.

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Common Core spawns widespread political fights

More than five years after U.S. governors began a bipartisan effort to set new standards in American schools, the Common Core initiative has morphed into a political tempest fueling division among Republicans.

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Undertaker mayor says Connersville will cheat death

The mayor of Connersville declared a financial emergency three months into budget year.The culprit is the loss of a single employer, Visteon Corp., which closed an auto-parts plant in 2008, throwing 900 people out of work.

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Caucus secrecy cloaks important legislative moves

A private caucus fight over nursing home construction during the final days of the 2014 session ultimately spurred House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, to call for an investigation into whether one of his own caucus members violated state ethics rules.

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Judge to Ballard rep: We decide where courts go

Marion Superior judges on Friday gave a grudging endorsement to the former General Motors stamping plant site as the location for a proposed criminal justice complex, but not before sending a message to Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard that the courts are their call.

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