
Lawmakers begin to shift focus beyond HJR 3

Following the initial rounds of jockeying surrounding HJR 3, the definition of marriage constitutional amendment, lawmakers can redirect their attention to other matters of substance for a few weeks. This week marks the initial third reading deadline, the final stage for passage of legislation in its chamber of origin, and many important pieces of legislation […]

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Bill limiting environmental rules heads to Indiana Senate

Indiana regulators would be barred from adopting environmental rules tougher than federal standards under a bill that's advancing in the General Assembly that has drawn criticism that it would hamper efforts to protect the state's environment and public health.

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Indiana House gatekeeper open to soccer stadium

House Ways and Means Chairman Tim Brown said lawmakers will consider a plan by the IndyEleven soccer team to finance an $87 million stadium. The proposal is likely to be attached to an existing Senate bill.

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Indiana House passes revised gay-marriage ban

The proposed amendment, which cleared the chamber on 57-40 vote, now heads to the Indiana Senate, where members of the Senate Judiciary Committee could amend the measure back to its original form.

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