
Obama speech to challenge Congress on minimum wage

Challenging lawmakers to help him create greater economic opportunity, President Barack Obama will use his State of the Union address Tuesday to announce he's raising the minimum wage for new federal contract workers to $10.10 an hour.

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Proposed hunting, fishing amendment to start over

A Senate committee passed a proposed constitutional amendment Monday that would protect Hoosiers’ right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife – but without language to protect farming that was included three years ago.

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Minimum wage bills pushed in at least 30 states

A pitch last week from Indiana Democrats was a nonstarter. But a Quinnipiac University poll this month found 71 percent of Americans in favor of raising the minimum wage—including more than half of Republicans polled.

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Senate passes bill to protect agricultural rights

Senate Bill 186 provides that it is the responsibility of the state to conserve, protect, and encourage the development and improvement of agriculture. The goal is to guide the courts to interpret state laws to be sympathetic toward farmers.

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