Bloomington defends tough smoke-detector ordinance
Property owners sued in July to block the law, which requires landlords to install hard-wired smoke detectors by 2019.
Property owners sued in July to block the law, which requires landlords to install hard-wired smoke detectors by 2019.
The court had little patience for Charlie White's arguments that his attorney—former Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi—fumbled his defense at trial.
George Rubin, one of the principal architects of Unigov, will retire at the end of the year at age 81. As a legislator, he also created the Indiana Uniform Consumer Credit Code.
Gov. Mike Pence’s plan to eliminate the tax on business equipment would mean significantly higher taxes for other property owners if the state took no specific action to protect them, according to a new analysis.
Under the proposal, taxpayers benefiting from the federal adoption credit would be able to claim an additional credit on their state return.
Mailing a letter is about to get a little more expensive—from 46 to 49 cents per stamp. And for businesses, rates for bulk mail, periodicals and package service will rise 6 percent.
Pence says international trade is vital to Indiana’s economic growth and fiscal prosperity. In 2012, Indiana exported $34.4 billion to countries around the world.
The deadline to enroll in plans that begin Jan. 1 now is midnight Tuesday for most of the U.S. On Monday, fielded nearly 50,000 simultaneous visitors, triggering a queuing system.
Eric Dannenmaier of the Indiana University Robert McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis will join a federal committee that promotes enforcement of evironmental laws.
Indiana’s fiscal picture is looking good with about $2 billion in cash reserves and a strong credit rating, but the next few years could leave the state in a fiscal pinch.
New projections show Indiana will have nearly $300 million less in tax revenue to spend over the next two years than lawmakers thought when they wrote the current two-year budget.
Indianapolis had its bond rating cut from AAA to AA this week by financial rating service Standard & Poor's after the city dipped into reserve funds to balance its budget. Two other major ratings services retained the top rating.
The latest indictment charges Reginald T. Walton with wire fraud for his alleged role in a scheme involving the land bank and a city mowing contract.
ooShirts said it will invest $1.2 million to equip a 26,000-square-foot building that will house more than 25 automatic and manual presses.
Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation Wednesday scaling back across-the-board cuts on programs ranging from the Pentagon to the national park system.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence announced plans Wednesday for seven companies to expand or start operations in central Indiana, creating a combined 1,013 jobs over the next eight years if their plans come to fruition.
Even though St. Louis-based Ascension Health cut nearly 900 jobs this year from its Indianapolis-based hospital subsidiary, St. Vincent Health, it wants to add 549 more to its service center here by 2016.
Year-end legislation to ease Congress' chronic budget brinkmanship and soften across-the-board spending cuts moved to the cusp of final passage Tuesday, a rare display of Senate bipartisanship.
Donald M. Snemis, a partner at Ice Miller LLP's Indianapolis law office, has been named commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles by Gov. Mike Pence, the state announced Tuesday.
The state's high court ruled unanimously Tuesday that an alteration of the contract the plant's developers signed with the Indiana Finance Authority did not constitute a significant change.