
State sells plane, cuts higher ed amid shortfall

State agencies will have to cut their budgets an additional 1.5 percent and state universities will see their state aid clipped by 2 percent as the state looks to make up a $141 million drop in tax collections.

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Pence agenda includes tax cuts, pre-K vouchers

Gov. Mike Pence will ask lawmakers in 2014 to cut more than $1 billion in taxes for businesses, parents and individuals and spend hundreds of millions more on roads, workforce development and preschool for poor Hoosier children.

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Ritz: Power grab outlined in Pence document

Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz, a Democrat, released an internal document Wednesday that she says is evidence a new agency created by Republican Gov. Mike Pence is trying to undermine her.

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State GOP leaders to drop Common Core standards

House Speaker Brian Bosma of Indianapolis and Senate President David Long of Fort Wayne plan to direct the Republican-controlled Legislature to require the state to create its own set of reading and math standards.

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