
Judge OKs sale of Indiana’s oldest ethanol plant

A joint venture bought the New Energy Corp. plant at auction last week for $2.5 million. New Energy had hoped the auction would cover the company’s $54 million in debt. A large portion of that debt is owed to the U.S. Department of Energy, which guaranteed the original loans.

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Pence supports large expansion of voucher program

Pence policy director Marilee Springer told members of the House education committee Tuesday that the governor supports a sweeping package of education changes that would end a one-year waiting period to obtain the scholarships.

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State halts backing for foreign-owned fertilizer plant

Indiana officials are withholding state backing for a Posey County fertilizer plant over concerns whether its Pakistan-based owners are doing enough at its overseas operations to keep the potentially explosive material from being used against U.S. troops.

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Defense attorneys turn tough in Bales trial

The legal team representing real estate broker John M. Bales and partner William E. Spencer haven't called their first witness and already they're putting up a spirited fight as federal prosecutors seek to prove 13 charges including bank, mail and wire fraud.

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Pence names Indiana judge as child services chief

Gov. Mike Pence turned to the top judge of one toughest juvenile court systems in the state to lead the troubled Indiana Department of Child Services, naming Lake County's Mary Beth Bonaventura to direct the agency Wednesday.

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Defense attorneys in Bales case trash former co-defendant

Attorney and developer Paul J. Page is no longer a co-defendant in the fraud trial of real estate broker John M. Bales and partner Bill Spencer. But you wouldn’t know it from the action Tuesday in U.S. District Court. Only now, rather than federal prosecutors, it’s defense attorneys for Bales and Spencer who are targeting Page.

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