
Lugar considering think tank, university positions

A spokesman for Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar says the senator has been talking with some think tanks and universities about positions taking advantage of his long tenure as a leading member of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee.

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Pence not ruling out health partnership with feds

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence has ruled out building a state-run health insurance exchange but appears to be leaving open the option of running a joint venture with the federal government as a critical decision deadline draws near.

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Report backs simpler Indiana local tax system

A new report on Indiana's local income taxes urges state legislators to simplify a system that has seven types of taxes and a two-year lag before the money collected by the state is distributed to local governments.

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Freshman wave shifts dynamics of Indiana House

Election Day brought 24 new members to the House of Representatives. That huge freshman wave, plus the return of 18 reps who were newly elected in 2010, means 42 percent of the House will begin the 2013 session with two years of experience or less.

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