
Daniels learns to get what he wants from Legislature

For his eighth and final session working with Indiana's General Assembly, Gov. Mitch Daniels finally honed a light touch for getting what he wanted out of the 150 lawmakers who mill about the floors directly above his Statehouse office.

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Indiana legislators approve smoking restrictions

The Indiana Senate has narrowly approved a statewide smoking ban proposal, sending it to the governor for his expected signature into law. The ban exempts Indiana's bars, casinos and private clubs such as veterans and fraternal organizations.

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Lawmakers end right-to-work dominated session

Indiana lawmakers came roaring into their 2012 session with a battle over right-to-work legislation. Now they are leaving quietly with a new statewide smoking ban, changes to the state's education system and rules giving homeowners the right to forcibly keep police from entering their homes.

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Still no decisions on Indiana smoking, police-entry bills

Legislators finished work Wednesday without an agreement yet on just how comprehensive a statewide smoking ban they might adopt and without the support of a major police group for a proposal laying out when residents might be legally justified in using force against police officers.

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Talks start on Indiana smoking-ban compromise

Legislators began negotiations Monday toward a compromise on proposed statewide smoking restrictions, with a leading supporter of a comprehensive ban saying the bill shouldn't prevent cities and counties from adopting tougher ordinances.

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Retirement wave will give Indiana House new look

The loss of hundreds of years of experience in the House, including the top Republican and Democratic budget writers, has some worried that paid lobbyists could gain an even heftier role within the General Assembly.

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