
New booze permits unleash gold rush

The Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission plans to sell up to 101 new three-way restaurant permits for Marion County at an auction Nov. 18. The offering follows a recalculation—using fresh U.S. Census numbers—of how many permits should be distributed in the city.

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Indiana Fair stage collapse legal claims reach 100

The deadline for victims of the deadly Indiana State Fair stage collapse to file legal claims with the state has passed, and officials say they're close to figuring out how much to pay each victim out of the allotted $5 million.

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Indiana AG to testify against cell phone bill

The bill being considered in the U.S. House would allow telemarketers and debt collectors to start dialing residents' cell phones and, if approved, would override Indiana's "Do Not Call" law and lead to a flood of robocalls, Greg Zoeller said.

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