Sustainability, more new jobs key to GM site
Why not look at the entire neighborhood instead of just this old site?
Why not look at the entire neighborhood instead of just this old site?
Tear it down and clean it up was the message delivered by a former redevelopment director from South Bend as she spoke to representatives from cities who were about to lose their GM plants.
Indianapolis has a rich history of turning challenging redevelopment projects into local success stories, and I have no doubt the GM Stamping Plant will become part of that history as officials determine the best uses for the expansive site near downtown.
The city has put out a request seeking companies or teams of firms qualified to install solar photovoltaic systems at three of its public works buildings and garages.
More than half of the state's new applications for food stamps and other welfare assistance are being submitted online, Indiana social services chief Michael Gargano told lawmakers Tuesday.
Indiana property taxpayers saw their savings grow by 32 percent this year compared to a year ago thanks to statewide tax caps on their 2011 bills, according to a state report.
The state is launching an initiative aimed at helping ex-offenders find jobs, particularly with large businesses that tend to have the most trepidation about hiring them.
The state had seized and sold 240 dogs at business, citing $142,000 in unpaid taxes.
The Capital Improvement Board will be charged with helping Rolls-Royce Corp. find up to an additional 500 parking spaces to accommodate the company’s move to a downtown office campus formerly occupied by Eli Lilly and Co.
The financial picture for Indianapolis’ struggling public library system is expected to improve enough for leaders to consider restoring operating hours at 10 of its 23 locations next year.
A new state law that could add to the cost of public works projects didn’t impact one of Indianapolis’ most sizable bids this year.
The grant from the city’s parking meter fund will be used to rebuild a nearby alleyway, repair sidewalks and install access curbs at the organization’s theater building on Saint Clair Street.
WellPoint lobbied on issues tied to the overhaul's implementation and regulations for accountable care organizations, which are networks of hospitals, doctors, rehabilitation centers and other providers that coordinate a patient's care.
Indiana has hired an outside firm to help with its investigation into a fatal stage collapse at the state fair after questions were raised about the state's ability to conduct an objective probe itself.
If Indiana Live and Hoosier Park prevail, the racetrack-casinos may cut they could cut their combined tax bill by $30 million a year.
Education reformers dramatically outspent opponents on lobbying, advertising and grass-roots campaigning during the past legislative session.
In the quarter ended June 30, the city’s share of revenue from parking meters totaled $498,273 compared with $108,265 in the same time frame of 2010, a 360-percent increase.
The interstate loop around Indianapolis was formally renamed for the cruiser sunk in shark-infested waters of the Pacific Ocean during the closing days of World War II.
A spokesman for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security said neither the fire marshal nor Homeland Security officials conduct inspections. And the city does not have the authority to inspect items on state property.
The governor says he wants to see the percentage of adult Hoosiers who smoke drop to 20 percent by the end of his term. A recent report put the state's smoking rate at a historic low of 21.1 percent.