Foreign students fear impact of new immigration law
The law that took effect July 1 states that "public assistance" for postsecondary education is only available to U.S. residents or "qualified aliens."
The law that took effect July 1 states that "public assistance" for postsecondary education is only available to U.S. residents or "qualified aliens."
Indianapolis will shed 200 positions next year to help cut $20 million from non-public safety agencies.
The slow economy is hurting progress on an endowment that would help pro bono lawyers repay debt.
Kevin McGoff and Don Lundberg are go-to guys for Indiana attorneys needing counsel.
The money would be used as a safeguard to help Indianapolis maintain its AAA credit ratings. But Democrat mayoral challenger Melina Kennedy is criticizing the move.
Indiana's 142-mile extension of Interstate 69 between Indianapolis and Evansville will siphon hundreds of millions of dollars away from other road and bridge projects in coming years, according to a report from an environmental group.
U.S. truck makers are expected to improve tractor-trailer fuel economy by about 20 percent by 2018, saving $50 billion in fuel costs over five years and decreasing carbon-dioxide emissions, President Barack Obama said.
Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller said more than 1,300 Hoosiers are eligible for restitution from United Financial Systems Corp. in the wake of a court ruling against the Indianapolis-based company. The company also faces at least two class-action lawsuits.
The federal deal targets "discretionary funding," which is where a good chunk of the roughly $9 billion the state collects from the federal government each year falls.
City and county officials across Indiana are starting to wrestle with how they'll deal with the state's plan to recoup roughly $610 million it overpaid local governments for income taxes it expected to collect.
New York City Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, the former Indianapolis mayor who joined Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration last year, has resigned to pursue a job financing infrastructure development.
Terry Curry expects his creation of a task force will start paying off with new cases—ranging from employee theft and investment fraud to political corruption—in the next few months.
The number of people seeking unemployment benefits dipped last week but has been at or above 400,000 for 17 straight weeks.
The lieutenant governor's delegation will will leave in September and focus on job creation.
Lobby prepares new pitch for next legislative session.
Republican Mike Pence is looking at ways to cut Indiana income tax rates across the board if elected governor next year.
The new budget year is off to a good start for Indiana’s state government with about $23 million more in tax revenue coming in than expected.
Canadian National Railway Co. on Wednesday announced plans to relocate part of its operations from Markham, Ill., to northwest Indiana.
Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White has hired former Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi as his lead defense attorney in his fight against voter fraud charges.
A majority of Indiana's congressional delegation bucked the trend and voted against emergency legislation to raise the nation's debt ceiling, drawing praise from a tea party official.