
Common sense might not keep you from being carded

The revised law that takes effect July 1 requires that only those who appear to be younger than 40 show ID when buying alcohol. But some retailers who embraced the stricter provisions say they're not ready to give customers the benefit of the doubt.

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Governor vetoes forfeiture legislation

Gov. Mitch Daniels has vetoed legislation that would have sent the bulk of funds seized from criminals to prosecutors and police, rather than the Indiana Common School Fund.

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Growing school districts drop funding lawsuit

Three Indiana school districts, including Hamilton Southeastern and Franklin Township, are dropping a lawsuit against the state that claimed the method for distributing school funding treated growing districts unfairly.

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CIB reports quarterly revenue increase

The Capital Improvement Board saw revenue of $22.5 million in the first three months of the year, a jump of 28 percent compared with the same three months in 2010. More taxes generated by hotel stays and restaurant visits helped drive the increase.

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