
GOP forges ahead with Indiana redistricting

Republicans who now fully control the Legislature and the redistricting process say they've followed their commitment to draw new districts that are compact and avoid splitting up cities and counties.

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Can Indianapolis recover convention chief stability?

Leonard Hoops is the third CEO of the Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association in three years—not ideal in an industry where it often takes three to five years to consummate a deal and as long as a decade to plan and build infrastructure

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Bill on teacher union rights heads to governor

A bill to restrict Indiana teachers' collective bargaining rights has cleared its final legislative hurdle, becoming the first part of Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels' sweeping education agenda to make it to the governor's desk.

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UPDATE: Senate panel OKs budget with more school money

An Indiana Senate committee on Monday approved a state budget that relies on a new, more optimistic revenue estimate to direct more cash to schools, restore previously proposed cuts and leave Indiana with more money in the bank than prior versions.

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House panel backs GOP redistricting plan

The Indiana House elections committee voted 8-5 along party lines in favor of the proposals after Republicans revised the lines for several scattered state House districts from what they had proposed Monday.

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