Ruling cuts $42M award for state workers seeking back pay
An appeals court said union workers were eligible for just a couple of months of back pay, rather than for 20 years of back pay.
An appeals court said union workers were eligible for just a couple of months of back pay, rather than for 20 years of back pay.
Some City-County Council members are skeptical of the Capital Improvement Board’s spending plan for 2011 that includes $10 million for the privately operated Indiana Pacers.
The nation’s jobless rate has topped 9.5 percent for 14 straight months, the longest stretch since the 1930s.
A state lawmaker is pushing for a law that would allow Indianapolis’ public library system to get a share of local income taxes. But some already are balking at the concept, saying it would divert money from other agencies that need it.
He had been previously licensed to drive an M1 Tank and various smaller-tracked and -wheeled vehicles. Obtaining an Indiana license, he thought, would be easy. It was not.
Indiana Statehouse Democrats are calling for for more investigations and wholesale restructurings amid an ethics flap enveloping the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
State Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Andrew J. Miller resigned Thursday, the day after he was arrested for allegedly exposing himself in a public restroom in downtown Indianapolis.
With a Republican tide predicted to wash over the country in next month’s election, there is a very real chance that the Indiana House will be dominated by the GOP for the first time since 2005-06, putting virtually all policy-setting responsibilities in Indiana in one party’s hands.
The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission canceled a hearing set for Thursday on Duke Energy Corp.’s controversial Edwardsport power plant amid a conflict-of-interest scandal that cost the agency’s chief his job.
The state Budget Agency reported Friday that Indiana collected $938 million in August. That's $51 million above the most recent forecast, but still $2 million less than projected in the budget lawmakers passed in early 2009.
Duke Energy Corp. placed Mike Reed, CEO of its Indiana operations, on administrative leave Tuesday afternoon amid a state investigation that involves the company and resulted in the dismissal of the chairman of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
Daniels administration alleges Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission chairman David Lott Hardy knew an administrative law judge was talking with Duke Energy Corp. about a job even as he presided over a Duke case.
A nonpartisan group has launched a website to help Indiana voters determine where candidates stand on the issues, even if the candidates didn't answer its pre-election survey.
The report from the U.S. Department of Labor raises concerns over whether Indiana’s Occupational Safety and Health program is properly funded and staffed. Overall, the report provided 45 recommendations to improve procedures within the program.
Raising cash for campaigns across the country while stockpiling political capital for himself could pay off should he decide to seek higher office such as a 2012 White House run.
A decorated Army officer who once served as chief defense counsel for Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sworn in as a justice on the Indiana Supreme Court on Oct. 18 at the Statehouse in Indianapolis.
Hudnut will represent clients in federal government matters for Bose Public Affairs Group LLC, an Indianapolis-based lobbying firm. The former four-term Indianapolis mayor served the city from 1976 to 1992.
The Indiana Debate Commission is giving away tickets for the Oct. 11 debate on the IUPUI campus. The debate is the first of three scheduled between Republican Dan Coats, Democrat Brad Ellsworth and Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris.
Indianapolis attorney Joe Hogsett has received approval from the full Senate to be the next U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Indiana.
A personnel consultant who helped Indiana's human services agency develop its "hybrid system" of face-to-face case worker contact with automated welfare intake is now running the agency's main welfare division.