
City chooses firm to oversee parking-meter operations

The city has entered into a 50-year lease agreement with Dallas-based Affiliated Computer Services Inc. The
city will receive $35 million upfront and a share of revenue to make sidewalk and street repairs. Parking meter rates are
to double in some areas.

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Daniels defends stance on more federal money

Democrats are denouncing Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels for saying that the federal government sending additional money to the
states is not a good idea — after he signed a letter in February asking Congress to extend enhanced payments to fund

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Counties brace for big tax losses next year

Indiana counties will receive $1.3 billion in income tax revenue in 2011, nearly 16 percent less than they did this year.
Marion and Hamilton counties will suffer major reductions in distributions.

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Alcohol board denies Walgreens’ booze permit application

Marion County’s Alcoholic Beverage Board on Monday denied Walgreen Co.’s application for a permit to sell alcohol at
its location on East Washington Street in Irvington, citing neighbors’ opposition. The panel split 2-2 on a permit for its
Nora store. Earlier, the drugstore chain withdrew two
other requests.

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Is Baron Hill high and dry?

The congressman was the only one from the Indiana delegation to vote for cap and trade. Now, with the Senate having gotten
cold feet on the legislation, Hill might have been left to twist in the wind.

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Council advances utilities transfer proposal

City-County Council members voted 19-10 Monday night to approve Republican Mayor Greg Ballard’s $1.9 billion plan to
transfer Indianapolis’ water and sewer utilities to Citizens Energy Group.

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Obama signs unemployment bill; checks are coming

President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law a restoration of benefits for people who have been out of work for six
months or more. The move ended an interruption that cut off payments averaging about $300 a week to 2½ million people
who have been unable to find work in the aftermath of the nation's long and deep recession.

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Big budget cuts will make for bitter state politics

As Indiana’s reserves dwindle toward zero and federal stimulus money disappears, trying to keep political debate friendly
and the budget in the black will be quite a challenge. Half a year before they must craft the next state budget, Democrats
and Republicans already are squabbling.

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