
Joe Andrew to chair international law firm

The former chairman of the Democratic party in Indiana was named co-chairman of the firm resulting from the June 9 merger
of Washington, D.C.-based Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP and United Kingdom-based Denton Wilde Sapte LLP.

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Lawmakers approve big Wall Street revamp

Bill headed for Obama's desk would reform financial regulation in effort to protect consumers, curb risks, boost surveillance
of threats to markets, and give regulators more emergency powers to avoid future bank bailouts.

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Senators say Bloomington should end Arizona boycott

A letter dated Thursday from GOP Sen. Mike Delph of Carmel and signed by more than 20 other Republicans asks Bloomington officials
to "take a step back" from their plan to avoid business with Arizona companies because of that state's new immigration

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CIB, Pacers discussing three-year deal

City officials want to wait until economy, National Basketball Association labor situation stabilize before entering longer-term
deal. Optimism remains deal can get done by June 30.

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Lugar: Bipartisan approach needed on climate bill

Sen. Richard Lugar is urging President Obama to endorse a bipartisan climate change bill that doesn’t add another financial
burden during tough times and does not include the new carbon-based fuel taxes sought by Democratic leaders.

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Young workers help Indiana parks during cutbacks

Indiana Department of Natural Resources spokesman Phil Bloom said the 1,665 young workers hired by the DNR will help seasonal
workers with important maintenance work at many of the state’s 24 state parks and dozens of other properties.

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House Speaker pushes IEDC over job-creation numbers

Pat Bauer sent Indiana Secretary of Commerce Mitch Roob a letter formally requesting the Indiana Economic Development Corp.
disclose public records about promises companies gave the state in exchange for job-creation incentives.

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Ballard bets big on $16 million software project

Concluding a year-long evaluation and public bidding process, mayor chooses Oracle’s PeopleSoft to replace local government’s
1970s-era financial IT system and New York-based Zanett Inc. to lead the implementation.

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