Bailing out big spenders
Obama is going wobbling on forcing fiscal responsibility on states, and Hoosiers might get stuck with the bill.
Obama is going wobbling on forcing fiscal responsibility on states, and Hoosiers might get stuck with the bill.
The Indiana Board of Education plans to give school districts a list of options on how they can collectively cut at least
$300 million from state spending.
Indiana lawmakers are preparing to punt on 2009’s must-solve business issue in the hope of a federal bailout. However, it’s
guess how Washington will respond.
Lawmakers are likely to pass property tax legislation, which would send it to a voter referendum in November and potentially
into the state constitution.
The bill would require legislators who leave office to wait at least a year after their term expires to become a Statehouse
The Indiana Association of Residential Child Care Agencies Inc. filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to stop the cuts in
Marion Circuit Court in Indianapolis.
Gov. Mitch Daniels said Tuesday he will cut state spending on public schools by at least $300 million given a new revenue
A new revenue forecast predicts Indiana state government will take in $1.8 billion less during the current two-year budget
cycle than what lawmakers thought based on May projections.
Under the law passed by the Indiana General Assembly last April, commercial brokers must register with the State Board of
Animal Health if they sell at least 500 dogs or puppies per year.
IUPUI says it needs about $15 million to renovate the aging Natatorium swimming complex and wants the city’s Capital Improvement Board to fund part of the expense.
Bills aimed at placing caps on property tax bills to the state constitution are now before both chambers of the Indiana General
The House Ways and Means Committee voted 14-10 Monday in favor of the bill, which now heads to the full House for consideration.
Some Indiana mayors, desperate for revenue, think it’s time for "payments-in-lieu-of-taxes."
The justices on Monday turned down an appeal from the state of Indiana pension funds that earlier challenged the automaker’s
bankruptcy proceedings.
Hybrid system of technology and human contact to be tried in 10 counties before wider roll-out
Muncie plans to turn out most of its street lights to keep from going broke. But what about the social consequences?
A group of mayors led by Tom Henry of Fort Wayne and Greg Ballard of Indianapolis is seeking new sources of revenue to replace
the millions they’ll lose because of property tax caps.
The Safe Routes to School program “aims to influence a new generation of healthy, sustainable travel
behavior,” says INDOT.
Hoosier Energy, which supplies electricity to customers in 48 counties in central and southern Indiana, has settled a dispute
that had threatened to plunge the utility into bankruptcy.
HealthNet said it will use the funds to expand and renovate two community health centers that have outgrown their space.