
Goldsmithâ??s latest venture

Former Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith, never one to let grass grow under his feet, has started a not-for-profit
with one-time presidential candidate Howard Dean to promote Goldsmithâ??s pet cause of public-private partnerships.

The Council of Project Finance Advisors aims…

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Bargaining away the reserve

In his five-minute address last night, Mitch Daniels referred to other statesâ?? fiscal woes no fewer than
four times.

Daniels, who is so fiscally conservative that one wonders whether he darns his own socks, is rightfully proud
that his state hasnâ??t…

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Downsides to city sponsorships

As the city of Indianapolis continues to explore selling sponsorships to help bridge a yawning budget gap,
some interesting ideas are turning up.

As IBJ writer Riya V. Anandwala reports, proposals include sponsoring abandoned lots, underwriting the salting
of city…

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A cap on cap and trade?

On May 15, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from Gov. Mitch Daniels laying out his sharp opposition to the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act, which would set limits on carbon emissions to combat global warming.

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Health care, Mayo Clinic style

Mention Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and Clarian Health in the same breath, and you have a front-page story,
which is just what reporter J.K. Wall wrote in this weekâ??s IBJ.

Clarian is moving ahead with plans to mimic the…

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Tourism should not be our focus

If a city really wants to attract people to its city (to live and visit), it has to become a better city, but to become a better city it has to know what it is and what it wants to be and what it can be.

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Manufacturers to help pay for TV, computer recycling

The Indiana Recycling Coalition scored big in the just-concluded session of the Indiana General Assembly with the passage
of House Bill 1589, which requires that electronics manufacturers help pay for recycling of their old televisions and computer

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Report: Life sciences rocks

Indiana University handed the stateâ??s life sciences industry a nice love letter today in the form of a study.

Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and health care supplies were responsible for nearly a fourth of all jobs
created in the state…

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Franklin ban snuffs out smoking

Tavern owners in Franklin will mothball their ashtrays next month following the passage of a smoking ban May 4. City councilors
voted 6-1 to make the ban one of the most restrictive in the state.

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Critics: Tax hike ‘defies logic’

Critics say the Legislature’s plan to shore up the insolvent Indiana Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund places the bulk of the financial
burden on already ailing businesses with the least ability to pay.

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