Long-serving House Democrat won’t seek re-election
Rep. Linda Lawson of Hammond says the climate in the Legislature has become “toxic” with Republicans holding large majorities in recent years and ignoring Democrats.
Rep. Linda Lawson of Hammond says the climate in the Legislature has become “toxic” with Republicans holding large majorities in recent years and ignoring Democrats.
Founded in 2016, the Indianapolis-based company created an app that matches food-service establishments with professionals seeking work.
IBM Corp. must the bond as it appeals a $78 million judgment in a long-running case that stems from the company’s failed effort to automate much of Indiana’s welfare services, a judge has ruled.
The two most powerful Republicans in the Indiana Legislature said they do not plan to take major action to address a growing crisis in the Department of Child Services during this year's session, which kicked off Wednesday.
An alliance of doctors, hospitals, insurers and employers wants to roll back a 27-year-old Indiana law that prohibits employers from screening job candidates for tobacco use.
The medical-device industry will see a resumption of the 2.3 percent federal excise tax beginning this month, following a two-year moratorium that expired Dec. 31.
The General Assembly could be an intense 10 weeks dominated by pet issues, social issues, and an effort to repeal Indiana’s prohibition-era ban on retail Sunday alcohol sales.
State Sen. John Ruckelshaus has introduced a bill that would provide a state tax credit to employers that give minimum-wage workers a pay raise after they complete a training program.
The decision gives new life to efforts by Monarch, the state’s largest beer and wine distributor, to sell liquor in Indiana—efforts that have been shot down repeatedly by the Legislature and have led to several other lawsuits.
The proposed legislation clarifies that cannabis oil is not included under the term "controlled substance" in Indiana, making the products legal.
A professor at IU's Robert H. McKinney School of Law says it's time for the state to change a statute that keeps sexual harassment victims from having their day in court, including a provision that requires an employer to give their consent before being sued.
Indiana's Republican supermajorities are returning to the Statehouse without a major legislative goal to accomplish—a reality that may leave a vacuum that some plan to fill with divisive debates that GOP leaders have in the past sought to contain.
Republican Rep. Alan Morrison's measure is sure to face opposition from the Indianapolis-based NCAA, which opposes all forms of sports gambling.
Republicans who control the Indiana Senate have elevated two lawmakers to top leadership posts that were recently vacated by retiring Sen. Brandt Hershman.
But it’s unclear whether some of the people prepaying will actually be able to claim the deduction, as the IRS has issued guidance that limits what qualifies.
Indiana Sen. Todd Young said he believes the tax bill “is going to give a major boost to our economy, creating an environment that’s ripe for jobs and small business growth.” Two months ago, he said he was concerned with overestimating growth potential.
U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill is asking the Indianapolis-based insurer to turn over a huge array of internal documents, explaining how it reached its decision to deny certain emergency room claims.
State attorneys general in New York and seven nearby states say they can’t meet strict smog standards because states in the Midwest and south are not controlling air pollution.
The new tax law will be anything but simple for many affluent Americans, who are now inundating their accountants for advice.
The number of children placed in foster care because their addict parents can't care for them has surged across the nation. But the problem is particularly acute in a handful of states, including Indiana.