
Daniels fell short on lifting incomes

As Gov. Mitch Daniels leaves office in January, there is debate about whether his policies of keeping taxes and spending low, while pursuing alternative strategies to improve roads and schools, have been the best way to help Indiana attract and create more high-wage, knowledge-based jobs.

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Pence travels Indiana to thank supporters, voters

Gov.-elect Mike Pence pledged to work with both parties to improve Indiana's economy but sidestepped potential political minefields as he hit the road Thursday for a two-day trip to thank supporters who helped him win the governor's office.

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Pence appoints veteran Indiana aide chief counsel

Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence announced Wednesday that Mark Ahearn would serve as his general counsel. Ahearn comes from the Indiana Department of Transportation and previously worked for Pence and former Sen. Dan Quayle in Congress.

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