
Indiana governor hopefuls detail ideas for job growth

Republican Mike Pence, Democrat John Gregg and Libertarian Rupert Boneham each say job creation would be “job one” if elected governor. But their means to reaching employment goals vary from dispatching missionary-style investment gurus, to growing more hemp and bamboo, to increasing wind-turbine manufacturing in the state.

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Lugar strong, but Mourdock more poised in debate

After struggling at times during the early Republican primary campaign, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar sounded more like the legislator he's been for the past 35 years in a debate Wednesday night with Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock.

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Daniels reputation on line with Indiana’s $205M tax error

Gov. Mitch Daniels has built a national image as a persnickety fiscal manager with an eye for detail, but two massive accounting errors that have tilted Indiana's books by more than half-a-billion dollars threaten to tarnish that reputation as the popular Republican prepares to leave office.

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Judge rejects some of Indiana’s claims against IBM

The core issue in a dispute over a project to modernize Indiana's welfare system — whether IBM breached the billion-dollar contract — wasn't addressed when a judge dismissed 17 of the state's claims against the computer giant, an attorney for the state said Monday.

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Daniels learns to get what he wants from Legislature

For his eighth and final session working with Indiana's General Assembly, Gov. Mitch Daniels finally honed a light touch for getting what he wanted out of the 150 lawmakers who mill about the floors directly above his Statehouse office.

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Indiana legislators approve smoking restrictions

The Indiana Senate has narrowly approved a statewide smoking ban proposal, sending it to the governor for his expected signature into law. The ban exempts Indiana's bars, casinos and private clubs such as veterans and fraternal organizations.

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