
U.S. economic growth slowed in fourth quarter

The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of just 1.9 percent in the October-December period, a slowdown from 3.5 percent growth in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported Friday.

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Broad Ripple Chip Co. thinking big

The manufacturer of gourmet potato chips is branching out across Indiana and into Ohio to introduce its original and sweet and spicy flavors to a broader audience.

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Markets, bettors put money on Britain staying in EU

The momentum appears to favor those who wish to remain in the European Union. The betting market Betfair said the probability that the country will stay stands at 86 percent. Optimism in financial markets also points in that direction.

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Finish Line’s chain of running stores ‘turning a corner’

The Finish Line Inc.’s 48-store specialty running chain has been stuck in neutral and unable to grind out a profit since its inception three years ago. But the Indianapolis-based athletics retailer thinks its Running Specialty Group is poised at least to break even this year after reporting small losses every year since 2011.

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Emerging growth markets tempt Hoosier companies

global indisana watch videoConsumption in emerging markets across the globe is growing fast, according to Chase Bank. Executives of several Indiana firms share their successes and mistakes when establishing operations outside the U.S.

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Crowd funding taps passionate fan base for fantasy figurines

A growing number of small game companies will join a pantheon of industry titans starting Aug. 15 at the Gen Con Indy gaming convention. The small guys are there largely because they can get the money they need to keep themselves alive via the fundraising technique known as “crowd funding” or “crowd sourcing.”

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REWIND: IBJ’s top 10 business stories of 2012

Top 10 business stories of 2012 Watch VideoThe state's labor landscape changed, and the housing market improved. Indianapolis basked in the glow of a flawless Super Bowl, and big-name CEOs were shown the door. IBJ's reporters and editors recall the year's biggest stories.

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Elkhart County getting nearly 400 new jobs

The Elkhart County Council on Saturday approved tax incentives for four companies seeking to expand in the county where the jobless rate topped out at nearly 19 percent in March 2009.

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