Two more hotels proposed for Hamilton County
With a Hampton Inn in Westfield and a Hyatt Place in Carmel, developers continue to step up to meet a recent rise in lodging demand.
With a Hampton Inn in Westfield and a Hyatt Place in Carmel, developers continue to step up to meet a recent rise in lodging demand.
The $25 million indoor soccer facility at Grand Park in Westfield is on track to open in July—but North of 96th got an early peek.
Traffic signal intersections along a portion of State Road 37 in Hamilton County could be converted into roundabout-overpasses under a $124 million proposal expected to be released Dec. 10.
The old Boone County Jail in Lebanon could be serving food and drinks by early 2016.
The Fishers Redevelopment Commission is accepting bids on a 0.62-acre parcel at 3 Municipal Drive until Dec. 11. The property sits to the south of the Fishers City Court building and is being used for construction staging.
If homes don’t have a high enough price tag, a municipality could end up losing money. That’s because, under the state’s property tax caps, lower assessed values might not generate enough tax to cover the cost of city services.
Flat Fork Creek Park features a 50-foot sledding hill, nature trails, a two-mile mountain bike course, a fishing pond and three tree houses. It is set to open Dec. 3.
Columbus, Ohio-based Huntington National Bank has filed plans to construct a 3,180-square-foot brick building on the 2-acre property at 1215 S. Rangeline Road.
In his state of the city speech, Mayor Andy Cook said he has “wild ideas” for a center that could house government offices, a library or a health center. He also says residents may need to pay $10 to $20 per month more in taxes to fund public safety.
City officials say they recognize the need to revitalize Allisonville Road, and the area is a priority as the city creates a framework for the future through its comprehensive plan, which looks as far ahead as 2040.
The developer of the Village of West Clay is nixing plans for future commercial growth, saying it’s “unfeasible” to wait for more office and retail possibilities.
The community would take shape on 9 acres near the southwest corner of Allisonville Road and 146th Street.
Karen Miller, CEO of The Farmers Bank of Frankfort, died Nov. 6 after a two-year battle with cancer. She was 60.
Hundreds of acres of undeveloped land surround the 35-acre site the popular Swedish home furnishing company selected—land now ripe for new projects. And in other communities, hotels, restaurants, retailers and even tech companies have followed Ikea stores.
The economic development agreement between the city and the Swedish home furnishing company requires the city to cover the costs for road, park, bridge, permitting, development and sewer impact fees. The total savings for Ikea is estimated to be $1.66 million.
Dura Products will construct a 15,000-square-foot building and furnish it with new logistical, IT and manufacturing equipment. The capital investment is expected to be $1.8 million and new equipment is expected to cost $1.15 million.
Fishers officials are considering whether to issue a $1 million bond that the city would pay back by the end of next year to fund road resurfacing projects throughout the community.
The hospital has submitted a rendering to the city of Westfield that shows several multi-story buildings and a parking lot on the northeast corner of State Road 32 and U.S. 31.
Advertisements for traditionally low-wage jobs in hospitality and retail decorate major thoroughfares in the northern suburbs, offering management positions and higher pay as incentives.
Wild Eggs will open at 1438 W. Main St. to the east of U.S. 31, according to permit filings.