
Economy could lift drug, device firms

The U.S. economy is showing signs of bouncing back and, if it does, look for drugmakers and medical-device companies to benefit. But if the economy has another summer stall like last year, expect health insurers to benefit.

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Drugmakers singing same song: 2012 will be tough

For drugmakers, the golden era of the 1990s and early part of the last decade, when they seemed to effortlessly churn out new multibillion-dollar pills for the masses along with double-digit quarterly profit increases, is not even in the rearview mirror any more.

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Lilly eying deal with Turkish drug company

Eli Lilly and Co. is among about a half-dozen companies interested in buying a stake in Mustafa Nevzat Ilac Sanayii AS in a deal that may value the Turkish drugmaker at $1 billion, sources say.

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French breast-implant recall could sway U.S. device debate

U.S. medical device makers have spent the last year urging government officials to approve high-risk products faster, like their European counterparts. A scandal over leaking breast implants made in France, however, may make the argument more difficult.

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Walgreen expects to lose most Express Scripts biz

Drugstore operator Walgreen Co. said Thursday it expects to lose almost 90 percent of prescriptions handled by pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts Inc. after it leaves Express Scripts' networks on Jan. 1.

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Endocyte shares plunge on clinical trial results

Shares of Endocyte Inc. plummeted more than 60 percent Tuesday morning after clinical trial results showed the company’s experimental ovarian cancer drug led to shorter survival times than treatment with a standard cancer drug.

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Carmel resident David Wasilewski has launched WhatNext, a website that uses algorithms to make it easier for cancer patients to connect with others in similar circumstances. Wasilewski, 39, spent eight years as chief operating officer of the Spanx line of body shapers and did health care consulting before that. In addition to helping patients, he thinks WhatNext can become a way for health care organizations share their expertise with patients in need.

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Drugmakers, pharmacists at odds

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. recently rejected CVS Caremark’s demands for big price discounts on its insulins, leading CVS to kick Lilly’s insulins off its list of recommended drugs.

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Decatur Vein Clinic branches out

In little more than a decade, former Conseco director Dr. David Decatur has turned his single-office family practice into a multistate chain of vein clinics. A 14th location is planned.

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