
Online insurance brokerage sets sights on Indiana

Obamacare could, according to some health insurance experts, cause most small businesses to end their group health plans. Now a new venture-backed company opening up shop in Indiana is trying to make that prediction a reality.

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Indy hospitals continue to see fewer patients. Why?

All of sudden, Hoosiers are buying less health care. Is that because we’ve kicked the habit, sobered up and found religion? Or is it the Great Recession hangover that will pass, eventually, so we can all get back to the party?

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Indy patients love their doctors

Indianapolis ranked fifth highest among the nation’s largest cities for the most positive reviews of physicians. On a five-point Patient Happiness Index, the average review by patients scored Indianapolis physicians at a 4.05. San Francisco physicians topped the list.

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Employees may rebel against Obamacare

The economics of the Obamacare’s exchanges are proving attractive to both employers and workers, but a new poll shows that workers still don’t want to end up in them.

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New Obamacare rule could boost WellPoint

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that would automatically re-enroll exchange plan customers each year, which would help companies like WellPoint that sold aggressively on the exchanges in their first year.

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Kokomo doctor gets 2 years for overprescribing

Don Wagoner, his wife and two other doctors were arrested last year on narcotics charges connected to clinics in Kokomo and Burlington. State officials say at least a dozen patients died from drug-related complications.

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Obamacare generates windfall for insurers

Obamacare’s tax credits are pumping nearly $400 million into the coffers of health insurers in Indiana this year, according to data released by the federal government and the insurance companies.

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