WellPoint raises 2014 earnings forecast
WellPoint is already raising a 2014 earnings forecast it laid out earlier this year, but the nation’s second-largest health insurer’s projections are still below analyst expectations.
WellPoint is already raising a 2014 earnings forecast it laid out earlier this year, but the nation’s second-largest health insurer’s projections are still below analyst expectations.
Zeke Turner, the 36-year-old CEO of Mainstreet Property Group LLC—who frequently sports a boyish grin and a bold-colored dress shirt, but rarely dons a tie—said he’s “just getting started” in transforming the staid nursing home industry.
Based on 2012 data, 23 of 30 hospitals in central Indiana are generating profits from their operations of 10 percent or more. The Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital and St. Vincent's Carmel campus are on top. After that, there are a few surprises.
Scientists have discovered that a gene-regulating protein that protects the developing brain of a fetus resurfaces in old age and may stave off dementia, a finding that could open a new path in Alzheimer’s research.
A snapshot of Obamacare enrollment in seven states suggests the law hasn’t significantly increased competition, but it has shuffled market share for some insurers, including Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc.
Health care is going through dramatic change—but is doing so under some of the dullest names possible. So I’m offering a few alternatives that are more to the point. How about, ‘No-more-bankruptcy care’?
Roche could enjoy a huge increase in sales of its HPV tests if all doctors and women followed a recommendation issued last week by an advisory committee at the FDA. But wrinkles in the U.S. health care system still present several big obstacles.
For 2014, at least, Obamacare's dreams of expanding individual insurance coverage in Indiana have simply failed. There's no getting around it.
Obamacare opponents predicted early on that insurance co-ops created by the law would fail, but several are doing well by combining low premiums with a certain homespun appeal.
Nearly 65,000 Indiana residents have signed up for private insurance under the federal health care law, but the number is still far short of initial projections as the open enrollment deadline nears.
House Public Health Chairman Ed Clere said Tuesday that negotiators had found a compromise that would ban new construction for two years except in counties whose nursing homes are at 90-percent capacity or higher.
Companies have been spending big on buybacks since the 1990s. What's new is the way buybacks have exaggerated the health of many companies.
OnTarget Laboratories LLC’s technology was developed by Philip Low, a Purdue chemistry professor who also created the technology behind Endocyte Inc.
Obama’s latest delay of Obamacare insurance rules could sabotage the law’s exchanges. The president must be counting on Republican critics, like Indiana Insurance Commissioner Stephen Robertson, to stop him.
After private equity firms paid $11.4 billion for Biomet Inc. just months before the onset of a prolonged downturn, they are now trying to take the company public when U.S. consumer sentiment is on the upswing.
Employees, rather than employers, will soon choose their own health insurers—either through the Obamacare exchanges or through private exchanges. Does that mean health insurance brokers, the people who match up employers with insurers, will no longer be needed?
UIndy would be the main tenant in the 134,000-square-foot building, which is expected to cost as much as $30 million.
The extension was part of a major package of regulations that sets ground rules for 2015, the second year of government-subsidized health insurance markets under Obama's law — and the first year that larger employers will face a requirement to provide coverage.
The Lilly-Boehringer drug empagliflozin is projected to reach sales of $295 million for Lilly in 2019, but it won’t be able to sell it until issues are resolved at a German plant.
Health insurers such as Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. and Louisville-based Humana Inc. stand to receive $5.5 billion next year to cover losses from Obamacare in a program the law’s opponents label a bailout.