
Patients get what they pay for

Patients, in spite of what it may feel like, pay only a tiny fraction of the total health care bill directly from their own pockets. It’s no wonder then that prices and good service are hard to find.

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SEC accuses Indy cancer firm of being a sham

The SEC says the CEO of locally based biomedical firm Xytos Inc. has committed securities fraud
since 2010 by repeatedly publishing false information to investors about the company. Timothy Cook denies the accusations.

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Indiana board considers 1-year delay of patient tests

Indiana's Medical Licensing Board is considering delaying for one year a proposed new rule that would require physicians to conduct annual toxicology tests on some patients as part of a larger state effort to crack down on prescription drug abuse.

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A dose of light reading

Starting with this post, I’m going to periodically give you a peek at my reading list. I’ll highlight reports and reportage that I have found either helpful or provocative. I hope you do, too.

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