Mobile health apps could cut into state companies’ market share
The future of Indiana’s sprawling health care and life sciences industry might be threatened by an unlikely source: smartphone apps.
The future of Indiana’s sprawling health care and life sciences industry might be threatened by an unlikely source: smartphone apps.
Outside observers cast the departures of Lenox Baker, Sheila Burke and Susan Bayh as a positive that will allow new CEO Joseph Swedish to recast the board.
Eli Lilly and Co. CEO John Lechleiter underwent a scheduled surgery Monday for a heart defect, and the repair to the aorta is functioning as intended, the Indianapolis-based drugmaker said.
Lenox Baker, Sheila Burke and Susan Bayh resigned from the board effective immediately, Indianapolis-based WellPoint said Monday in a regulatory filing.
Dr. Jay Hess was picked to become the 10th dean in the school of medicine’s 110-year history and the first dean in the past five to come from outside IU.
The state’s medical-device companies are finding that they cannot pass on the new medical-device tax created by Obamacare to their hospital customers, causing them to continue to make cuts and to look to foreign markets for more profitable growth.
Rather than raising prices on private health insurers to make up for inadequate payments from the government, hospitals across the country have been raising prices just because they can, according to a new study.
IBJ convened a panel of experts at its Life Sciences Power Breakfast on May 10 to talk about the industry issues of venture capital, digital health innovations and research university entrepreneurship.
Panel members included Kristin Eilenberg, CEO, Lodestone Logic, Infuse Accelerator; Philip S. Low, Purdue University professor of chemistry, founder and chief science officer at Endocyte Inc. and On Target Laboratories LLC; R. Matthew Neff, president, CHV Capital Inc.; Brian Stemme, project director; BioCrossroads; Brian S. Williams, director, Global Healthcare Strategy, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd.; and Raul Zaveleta, CEO, Indigo BioSystems Inc.
The following is an unedited transcript of the discussion.
The drug, enzastaurin, was in the most advanced stage of testing and had been expected to generate $260 million in annual sales by 2018.
The 133 full-time jobs the truck and auto insurer plans to add over the next five years will pay around $60 an hour, or nearly $125,000 a year.
A federal bankruptcy judge has slapped down an Anderson church that attempted to blame its bank for a failed scheme to finance church upgrades by buying life insurance policies on its elderly members.
Warner relies on funds from the Indiana Family and Social Administration, but the FSSA recently decided to end that funding after numerous complaints against the company went unresolved.
The appointment is the first high-profile post that Braly, 51, has accepted since she was ousted from the top spot at the Indianapolis-based health insurer in August.
Five of the six Hoosier firms that appear in the 2013 rankings slipped from their positions in last year’s list of the largest U.S. companies.
John Lechleiter has been suffering from a dilated aorta, Eli Lilly and Co. said Monday. Current CFO Derica Rice will take his place until later this summer.
The effort to launch the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute got $25 million from the Legislature, but the life sciences institutions backing the effort have set their funding sights much higher.
Lilly will eliminate 1,624 positions from its U.S. sales force in July, according to a notice the company made to state officials. But some of those workers may be rehired by the firm.
Major drugmakers, including Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co., are closely watching Pfizer Inc.’s plan to sell Viagra directly to consumers. The bold move blows up the drug industry’s distribution model.
Infuse Accelerator hopes to make early-stage investments in 12 to 15 companies a year.
The bull market boosted first-quarter profit at Baldwin & Lyons Inc. to a record high, even though the property and casualty insurer’s core business lost ground.