Lilly donating $12.4 million to United Way
Eli Lilly and Co. said Monday it plans to give $12.4 million to the United Way, the largest single charitable donation in the company’s history.
Eli Lilly and Co. said Monday it plans to give $12.4 million to the United Way, the largest single charitable donation in the company’s history.
Indiana lawmakers can add confusion over the federal health insurance law to their already overflowing plate when they return for their 2013 legislative session in January.
States received an extra month from the Obama administration to decide whether to build online marketplaces for medical insurance after Republican governors pressed their resistance to the president’s health-care law.
Diagnotes LLC’s On Call software, which delivers patient medical records to smartphones of an on-call doctor, won the inaugural Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge.
Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence closed the door on a state-run health insurance exchange Thursday, arguing that the estimated $50 million cost of the state program was not worth the limited autonomy granted in return.
Eli Lilly and Co. and two other major drugmakers say they are collaborating in a global project aimed at getting patient tests of experimental drugs up and running more quickly and efficiently.
Indiana Gov.-elect Mike Pence has ruled out building a state-run health insurance exchange but appears to be leaving open the option of running a joint venture with the federal government as a critical decision deadline draws near.
WellPoint’s average small-employer client has just 8.5 lives covered on its health plan. And firms of that size are far more likely to use the new health insurance exchanges, said WellPoint Chief Financial Officer Wayne DeVeydt.
LabDoor, which soon will launch an iPhone app that assigns A-F grades to over-the-counter vitamins and medicines, moved last month from Indianapolis to San Francisco, where it received $100,000 in startup financing.
Health officials developing a statewide trauma system say Indiana needs more trauma centers.
Indianapolis-based Indigo Biosystems Inc., a scientific software provider, announced Monday morning that it plans to add 63 jobs by 2015 as part of a $1.4 million expansion.
The top state budget official under Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has decided to move into an executive position with Indiana University Health when the governor's term ends in January.
Universities that once focused on faculty inventions now are encouraging students to pursue patents. Last year, 355 Purdue University students filed a patent, a 62-percent jump from 218 student-filed patents the previous year.
If a biotech startup were akin to a rock band, Kristin Sherman might be the keyboardist. She’s not front-and-center on the stage, but the ballad wouldn’t be as dynamic without her pounding the chords.
Health insurance stocks sank deeper than the broader market Wednesday after President Barack Obama's re-election helped clarify the future of his health care overhaul, a sweeping law that some investors fear will pinch profits.
WellPoint Inc.'s third-quarter earnings trumped Wall Street expectations, but the health insurer's stock tumbled Wednesday after President Barack Obama won re-election, a victory that could help cement the future of his health care overhaul.
Community Health Network thinks it can help patients, engage doctors and maybe even make some money by trying to turn ideas within its organization into commercial products, service and companies.
A new agreement in Wisconsin provides a glimpse of the kind of “narrow network” arrangements that Indianapolis-based Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield might attempt in Indiana.
Many Indiana Republicans want to use the Healthy Indiana Plan to expand Medicaid coverage in Indiana to more low-income adults. But the program—which offers health insurance based on health savings accounts to uninsured adults—has managed to attract just one-third of the Hoosiers it was designed for and has cost about twice as much per enrollee as predicted.
About 100 workers will staff the new plant, which will be constructed by spring 2014 and ready for operations in 2015. But only “some” of that number will be new hires.