
John Thompson preaches the possible, leads by example

John Thompson’s humble approach to community service has earned him the distinction of being the 18th recipient of IBJ’s Michael A. Carroll Award, given annually to a man or woman who has demonstrated the former deputy mayor’s qualities of determination, humility and devotion to the community.

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Wishard to use $8.3M grant to stem substance abuse

At three community health centers, all patients will be asked about their alcohol and drug usage confidentially, as part of an early-intervention approach designed to cut down addictions and reduce hospitalization.

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IU Cancer Center recruits top researcher

Dr. Murray Korc, an internationally known pancreatic cancer researcher, comes to the cancer center as the first Myles Brand Professor of Cancer Research. The position is funded through a Lilly Endowment grant.

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Health regulatory leaders ready to flock to city

The top event for regulatory professionals in the health care industry is headed to Indianapolis next month. The annual conference of the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, or RAPS, is expected to draw thousands of members representing 120 companies and organizations.

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FDA gets new report on Lilly diabetes drug

Drugmakers Eli Lilly and Co. and Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Monday that patients taking their potential once-weekly diabetes treatment, Bydureon, saw a significant improvement in cardiovascular risk factors.

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IBM putting Watson to work in health insurance

IBM’s supercomputer system, best known for trouncing the world’s best “Jeopardy!” players on TV, is being tapped by one of the nation’s largest health insurers to help diagnose medical problems and authorize treatments.

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Medical manufacturer plans Fishers expansion

Tridien Medical, a Coral Springs, Fla.-based manufacturer of therapeutic support surfaces, plans to expand its plant in Fishers, adding up to 40 new jobs by 2013, including 25 in the next year.

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Thad Johnson became CEO of Methodist Sports Medicine / The Orthopedic Specialists on June 15, the first time the 19-physician practice has had a non-physician executive.

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Will ACOs really get off the ground?

The hype over accountable care organizations—something every major hospital in Indianapolis is moving to become—is increasingly being laced with skepticism as the economics behind the idea get more scrutiny.

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Show-me state stings SynCare

Indianapolis-based SynCare LLC has been touting its growth in Missouri since it entered the market in 2009. But now SynCare’s excursions in the show-me state have turned into a nightmare.

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Brokers ‘devastated’ by reform rule

The decision last year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services not to exclude health insurance brokers commissions from a provision in the 2010 health reform law has been “devastating to brokers,” broker advocate Janet Trautwein said during an August speech in Fishers, and there are signs that Congress will act to reverse the policy.

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Gloomy outlook for medical device makers

The next four years could be rough for makers of medical devices and orthopedic implants, including Bloomington-based Cook Medical Inc. and Warsaw-based Zimmer Holding Inc. and Biomet Inc.—and not because of the 2010 health reform law.

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Roche hopes to prosper from austerity

Executives at Roche Diagnostics expect the wave of austerity measures being taken by western governments—including the United States—to as much as double its sales of fluid- and DNA-based tests in the next three years.

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Study spoils common wisdom on health spending

The Thomson Reuters study that showed Anderson as the highest-spending health care market in the nation also concluded that treatment and spending vary widely from one locale to another with no clear reason based on demographics or health outcomes.

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