
Lechleiter: After the deluge, we’ll be fine

Eli Lilly and Co. CEO John Lechleiter visited Japan last week—three days before the massive earthquake—to deliver his tried-and-true message: Drug companies need to reinvent invention, governments needs to support innovation, and Lilly will be just fine after it has sustained the damage of the next three years.

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Dow Agro thinks it has a winner

The Indianapolis-based company released more details this month about its Enlist Weed Control System, which would genetically modify corn, soybeans and cotton to be resistant to one of the most common weedkillers.

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Q&A: Tony Lennen

Tony Lennen became president of Community Hospital South in 2009, overseeing a 50-bed expansion that was completed last summer, giving the hospital 150 private rooms. The facility, located along the line between Marion and Johnson counties, competes against nearby facilities run by Franciscan St. Francis Health, Indiana University Health and Johnson Memorial Hospital.

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Health insurance costs spike worldwide

Think galloping health insurance costs are a problem unique to American employers? Think again. Medical costs paid by employer-focused health insurers rose by an average of 10 percent last year—identical to the United States.

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