WellPoint CEO received 3-percent raise last year
The Indianapolis-based insurer awarded Angela Braly a total pay package worth $13.4 million, up from $13.1 million in 2009 even as the company's profit and enrollment numbers slipped.
The Indianapolis-based insurer awarded Angela Braly a total pay package worth $13.4 million, up from $13.1 million in 2009 even as the company's profit and enrollment numbers slipped.
The Food and Drug Administration said Lilly needs to create a training program to ensure brain scans are interpreted properly.
Eli Lilly and Co.’s patent-infringement claim over Hospira Inc.’s generic version of the cancer treatment Gemzar will be investigated by a U.S. trade agency with the power to block imports of the copycat drug.
Human resources used to be about payroll and benefits. Now it’s also about watching Congress.
Unusual home on south side has a dozen bedrooms for folks who need to give up their own homes.
Indiana University Health is the latest system to drill employees ranging from clerks to physicians in how to treat patients.
Eli Lilly and Co. CEO John Lechleiter visited Japan last week—three days before the massive earthquake—to deliver his tried-and-true message: Drug companies need to reinvent invention, governments needs to support innovation, and Lilly will be just fine after it has sustained the damage of the next three years.
The Indianapolis-based company released more details this month about its Enlist Weed Control System, which would genetically modify corn, soybeans and cotton to be resistant to one of the most common weedkillers.
The Indianapolis-based life insurer pulled in sales last year of $1.7 billion and boosted its overall assets 12 percent, to $24.4 billion.
The state budget bill moving through the Indiana General Assembly would save about $7 million each year by creating a list of preferred mental health drugs and trying to win larger rebates from manufacturers.
Delays getting new diabetes meters into the U.S. market appear to have tripped up Roche Diagnostics Corp. on its way to acquiring a key software vendor.
Aida McCammon has spent 20 years helping Hispanics improve their lives and succeed in the United States.
It’s a wide entitlement program that will literally explode in the coming decades, since a third of all combat veterans will meet the disability requirements. It is not sustainable, and the Senate just tightened the requirements.
Eli Lilly and Co. CEO John Lechleiter said he’s confident of gaining U.S. regulatory approval for a drug to help identify plaque in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Tony Lennen became president of Community Hospital South in 2009, overseeing a 50-bed expansion that was completed last summer, giving the hospital 150 private rooms. The facility, located along the line between Marion and Johnson counties, competes against nearby facilities run by Franciscan St. Francis Health, Indiana University Health and Johnson Memorial Hospital.
Think galloping health insurance costs are a problem unique to American employers? Think again. Medical costs paid by employer-focused health insurers rose by an average of 10 percent last year—identical to the United States.
The failure of its drug Bydureon to match the performance of Novo’s Victoza trims but doesn’t kill sales prospects for the highly touted diabetes drug.
R. Glenn Hilliard, 68, who has held the chairman's title since September 2003, said he will not seek re-election.
A Terre Haute pharmacist faces a possible 10-year prison sentence if convicted of health care fraud and money laundering in a scheme that netted him more than $3.57 million.
With the company recently doubling in size, CEO Dayton Molendorp wanted another executive to guide the company’s further growth.