
Q&A: Jim Hamilton

Jim Hamilton, an employee-benefits lawyer at Bose McKinney & Evans in Indianapolis, discussed the likelihood of a Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives changing or even outright repealing the health care reform law, formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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Seeking growth, Lilly dumps Singapore for China

After recently deciding to close a research center in Singapore, Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. has decided to open a diabetes research center in China in the second half of 2011, further ramping up the drugmaker’s presence in the world’s fastest-growing pharmaceutical market.

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State sues WellPoint over data breach

The lawsuit filed Friday in Marion County accuses Indianapolis-based WellPoint of violating a state law that requires businesses to provide notification of data breaches in a timely manner.

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Employee ire forces IU to pull wellness survey

Indiana University will no longer ask employees to fill out an online health risk assessment after more than 550 people—many anonymous—attached names to an online petition that said the plan would cause “widespread anger and disillusionment.”

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