
WellPoint dismisses highly paid subsidiary CEO

Last year, Dijuana Lewis earned a $650,000 salary as one of the insurer’s highest paid executives and received a $200,000 bonus in part for helping to lead the sale of the NextRx subsidiary to Express Scripts Inc. for about $4.68 billion.

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Analysts: Lilly setbacks might spur shopping spree

CEO John Lechleiter claims Eli Lilly and Co. isn’t interested in big acquisitions to bolster its flagging drug pipeline, but its recently devalued partner Amylin Pharmaceuticals might be the right fit, industry analysts say.

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Analysts grill Lilly execs on strategy after setbacks

Wall Street analysts on Thursday demanded to know what new things Eli Lilly and Co. is planning since the company’s vaunted pipeline has failed to produce a drug that will boost revenue after a wave of patent expirations. The answer: Not much.

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Amy Zucker is president of Indianapolis-based Synergy Marketing Group. Her firm was recently hired by Indianapolis-based ImmuneWorks Inc. to use a new website and search engine optimization to help recruit patients for a Phase 1 trial of ImmuneWorks experimental medicine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The Web strategy is a new wrinkle on patient recruitment—in addition to the traditional partnerships with disease specialists at academic medical centers—that Zucker hopes leads to lower costs and faster clinical trials. Phase 1 clinical trials cost nearly $16,000 per patient.

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Some Lilly-paid docs sport spotty records

Eli Lilly and Co. paid more than $102 million last year and early this year to physicians for talking up Lilly drugs to other doctors. Yet 88 of the doctors Lilly pays have been sanctioned by state medical boards.

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‘Payer mix’ playing role in hospital merger

Morgan Hospital & Medical Center is on the brink of merging with Clarian Health for a variety of reasons, but one of the biggest is one that all hospitals are facing in one way or another: a declining payer mix.

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IU shrink explores mental health blood tests

Dr. Alexander B. Niculescu, a psychiatrist at the IU School of Medicine, has won a five-year, $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to hunt for the presence of certain proteins in the blood that would indicate that a patient suffers from a mood disorder, which afflicts one in five Americans.

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