

Dr. Stanley Adkins is chief medical officer of Indianapolis-based AmeriVeriCR, a startup that uses software to review medical
claims for errors. With health care reform and a new, larger set of
diagnosis codes phasing in over the next few years, AmeriVeri is betting that demand for its service will increase.

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Anthem Blue Cross postponing rate hike again

In January, Anthem Blue Cross notified many individual policyholders that their rates would rise as much as 39 percent March
1. After a public outcry, the company announced a two-month delay. Now that is on hold, too.

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Employers want cake, and to eat it, too

Employers are still trying to get their arms around what the new health insurance law will mean for them. But on the eve of
the law's passage last month, a survey by Indianapolis-based United Benefit Advisors LLC showed employers as a group had
no hope the law would reduce their costs but also no coherent plan for reforming the current system.

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Hilbert in-law’s insurance fraud trial set for October

As IBJ reported last year, Houston-based American General Life Insurance Company is attempting to invalidate a $15
million policy it issued in January 2006 insuring the life of Germaine “Suzy” Tomlinson—Conseco Inc. co-founder
Stephen Hilbert’s mother-in-law—who died Sept. 28, 2008, at age 74.

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