Beware universal health care
Any administration considering a tax-funded universal health care system that is free at the point of delivery would do well to examine Britain’s National Health Service.
Any administration considering a tax-funded universal health care system that is free at the point of delivery would do well to examine Britain’s National Health Service.
IBJ reporter J.K. Wall asked Bryan A. Mills about his new job as Community Health Networks next CEO.
Little Red Door cancer agency is conducting its second search for an executive director in six months, since Mary Beth Tuohy resigned in March.
Indianapolis ad firm The Heavyweights and its local client Clarian Health have won one of the ad industry’s biggest awards
for one component of Clarian’s “A Call to Change” campaign.
My wife, Becky, is alive today because of Lilly and its trial drug Enzastaurin, a great surgeon, and a terrific team of local doctors.
Benefits brokers and agents—facing increasing demands from employers and declining commissions—are merging at an
The people of Indiana need to work to improve education, the overall health of our work force, and productivity and innovation.
A team of Indiana University health researchers has concluded that smoke-free-workplace laws do not have a negative economic impact.
Thanks for having the courage to take the flak from the smokers who think it is their right to kill us by allowing smoking in bars and casinos.
Eli Lilly & Co. executives are making many trips to Washington to argue for 14 years of sales exclusivity for new drugs made
from cells.
Hoosiers workers—including those who work at casinos—deserve a healthy, smoke-free workplace.
Without fresh capital â?? or loosened debt obligations â?? Carmel-based Conseco could find itself in bankruptcy or looking
for a buyer or both.
Now that Medicare is calling for all doctors it deals with to use electronic medical records by 2015, the trend of physicians’
merging with hospitals or larger groups could hasten.
Purdue University’s Student-Managed Venture Fund is betting its bank on West Lafayette-based biotech startup Kylin Therapeutics
The stimulus bill has prompted Indiana businesses and not-for-profits that deal in medical records to look for partners to
help them meet the challenge of making those records electronic in five years.
Thank you for sharing Dr. Mercy Obeime’s story so that others may feel they too can overcome any obstacles and adversities.
Dr. Jeff Wells is moving on from the Indiana Medicaid program even as a $40 million cost-savings plan he spearheaded faces
a threat in the Legislature.
An electronic succession-planning system created by Eli Lilly & Co. about seven years ago is sniffing out top talent.
The insurance industry and [Indiana] Chamber of Commerce are providing misleading and untruthful statements to employers and
their insured members about assignment of benefits.
I want to commend [Tawn Parent’s Feb. 16 column] about overseeing a loved one’s care while in a nursing home or rehab facility.