
Indianapolis suburbs connecting the dots with trails

About 500 miles of trails already cut through Hamilton and Boone counties—including 125-plus miles in Carmel—and countless more are on the drawing board as suburban leaders strive to appeal to residents who want connected, walkable communities.

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Dems, Republicans bring Obamacare fight to Indy

The conservative Heritage Action for American organization brought its anti-Obamacare tour to Indiana’s capitol city on Monday. Meanwhile, supporters of the existing federal health care law held their own event.

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Patients get what they pay for

Patients, in spite of what it may feel like, pay only a tiny fraction of the total health care bill directly from their own pockets. It’s no wonder then that prices and good service are hard to find.

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Indiana board considers 1-year delay of patient tests

Indiana's Medical Licensing Board is considering delaying for one year a proposed new rule that would require physicians to conduct annual toxicology tests on some patients as part of a larger state effort to crack down on prescription drug abuse.

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