Records for 55,000 patients stolen from oncology group
The Cancer Care Group in Indianapolis said a laptop computer bag containing private information on as many as 55,000 patients has been stolen.
The Cancer Care Group in Indianapolis said a laptop computer bag containing private information on as many as 55,000 patients has been stolen.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg says he likely would support a hybrid health insurance exchange for Hoosiers if elected in November.
After Eli Lilly and Co. found a “glimmer of hope” in its test of its experimental Alzheimer’s drug, doctors and stock analysts generally concluded the company needs to conduct another long clinical trial to prove the drug’s effect. But one stock analyst thinks Lilly already has what it needs to ask for approval for its drug.
There’s more than political philosophy at stake as Indiana’s candidates for governor wrestle over whether the state should start its own health insurance exchange. There’s potentially a lot of money for low- and moderate-income Hoosiers at stake, too.
While investors supported the sliver of promise offered when Eli Lilly and Co. said its Alzheimer’s drug may slow progression early in the disease, doctors weren’t as impressed, saying it could take years to find out for sure.
The Libertarian candidate for governor said he initially favored a state-run exchange to administer the federal health care law, but chose a joint venture with the federal government after meeting with the governor's staff.
Eli Lilly and Co. won a U.S. appeals court ruling that upholds the validity of a patent for the lung-cancer drug Alimta and blocks generic competition through 2017. Alimta generated $2.5 billion in sales last year.
A $100 million neuroscience center Indiana University officials say will offer a "one stop shop" for patients recovering from head and spinal injuries, strokes and other medical conditions is days away from opening its doors in Indianapolis.
The surprise positive effect shown by an experimental Alzheimer’s drug “excited” executives at Eli Lilly and Co., but it raised as many questions as it answered.
Another plea for the ouster of WellPoint CEO Angela Braly is spurring discussions among investors and analysts about a replacement. Top suggestions include James G. Carlson, the chief of Amerigroup Corp., and David B. Snow Jr., the former chief of Medco Health Solutions Inc.
Eli Lilly and Co.’s experimental Alzheimer’s drug failed to meet its primary goals in two separate clinical trials. However, when the results of both trials were combined, the drug appeared to have slowed the decline of cognition in some patients.
Royal Capital Management LLC is calling for the ouster of WellPoint Inc. CEO Angela Braly in a letter to the health insurer, saying she has “failed miserably.”
Health Systems is on pace this year for nearly $50 million in revenue, up from $42 million last year and just $4.5 million eight years ago. The Indianapolis company processes claims for health insurers when patients receive out-of-network care.
UnitedHealth has been enjoying healthy profits, growing customer rolls and a rising stock price—things the Indianapolis insurer has been unable to match. That tough comparison lies behind some of the investor attacks on WellPoint CEO Angela Braly.
The ordinance covering city employees offers insurance coverage to both same-sex and heterosexual unmarried couples. The mayor also signed the “Complete Streets” proposal.
The Food and Drug Administration has identified a southern Indiana farm that produced cantaloupes linked to a deadly salmonella outbreak and says the operation has recalled its melons.
Food safety advocates called on federal officials to release the name of an Indiana farm that recalled its cantaloupes amid a salmonella outbreak.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence is asking Gov. Mitch Daniels to reject a state-run health insurance exchange called for by the federal health care law.
The Humane Society of Indianapolis is ready to open its new Animal Welfare Center in Haughville, featuring a low-cost vaccination clinic. The group wants to raise $750,000 to add a low-cost spay-and-neuter clinic to the center.
The Obama administration is giving states like Indiana a little flexibility in how to expand their Medicaid programs—but nothing like what state officials hoped for after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the law in late June.