LEADING QUESTIONS: Wishard’s top doc stays true to roots
How can practicing medicine prepare you for a CEO post? And why is it smart to continue seeing patients once you get the top job? Dr. Lisa Harris will see you now with answers.
How can practicing medicine prepare you for a CEO post? And why is it smart to continue seeing patients once you get the top job? Dr. Lisa Harris will see you now with answers.
Shareholders of WellPoint Inc. approved on Tuesday the hefty pay packages of the company’s executives and voted for the right to weigh in annually on future executive compensation.
Prescription drugs are playing an increasing role in the drug-related crimes that are filling up Indiana's prisons, prison officials and prosecutors said.
Increasing government involvement in the health insurance market will have the counter-intuitive effect of making the industry more consumer-driven, concludes a new report from a health care venture-capital firm.
Warsaw-based Zimmer Holdings Inc. has enjoyed eight years as the giant in the industry of selling knee- and hip-replacement implants to hospitals. But now it faces a challenge from Johnson & Johnson.
Indianapolis-based firm avoided investment losses suffered by peers during last recession.
Is it finally time to get some growth again out of a stock that since its debut on the public market 59 years ago has minted thousands of millionaires?
The operator of the building at 8424 Naab Road near St. Vincent Hospital is accused of owing an Illinois investment firm $4 million.
Some health care system are finally allowing online scheduling.
The problem is, too many people make unhealthy choices and the consequences of these choices become everyone’s problem.
Health reform could accelerate trend toward two tiers of care, with concierge services like Dr. Matt Priddy offers at the top and long waits and minimal attention at the bottom.
Eli Lilly and Co.’s Amyvid, an experimental imaging agent to detect signs of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain, shouldn’t be approved because of unreliable study results, a consumer-advocacy group said.
Hospital President and chief executive officer Thor Thordarson said in a news release the jobs cuts were necessary because of the higher costs facing health care providers.
Finally, some new revenue. Eli Lilly and Co. will enjoy modest new sales later this year after U.S. regulators approved a new diabetes drug developed by a partner company, and another company nears approval on a drug that will produce royalties for the Indianapolis-based drugmaker.
Shares of Endocyte Inc. have doubled since the company’s initial public offering in February—even though the common wisdom is it won’t see sales from its first cancer drug until 2014.
The ultimate test of whether buybacks are good deals for shareholders hinges on whether the price paid for the stock proves over time to have been a bargain or inflated.
Earthquakes and flooding took a toll on Baldwin & Lyons Inc.’s first quarter results, the Indianapolis-based insurer announced Thursday morning.
Indianapolis-based Medivative Technologies plans to build a 9,000-square-foot addition to its east-side facility and spend $2.5 million to equip it. The expansion should create 15 jobs.
The Carmel-based life and health insurer earned $54 million, or 19 cents per share, topping the expectations of Wall Street analysts.
The Food and Drug Administration says it has approved a new diabetes pill from Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly for patients who can't control their blood sugar with older medicines.