

Molecular biologist,David G. Skalnik will become associate dean for research and graduate education at the IUPUI School of Science in January. Since 1991, Skalnick has been a researcher at the Indiana University School of Medicine, leading a team of three in the study of epigenetics—factors that influence whether certain genes are turned on or turned off.

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Rising Medicaid costs for Indiana mean service cuts likely

Indiana lawmakers likely will cut some Medicaid-provided services in the upcoming legislative session after learning Wednesday that the state’s share of government health insurance program costs will balloon by $1.1 billion over the next two years unless checked.

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St. Francis covets Greenwood’s growth

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers is going to build a new ER and medical office complex near Greenwood: The area has been growing over the past decade 10 times faster than the city of Indianapolis.

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Contrarians think it’s new day for Lilly

The trouble-free market approval obtained by Eli Lilly and Co. for a new underarm testosterone treatment brightened the company’s outlook—at least for one of the few optimistic analysts covering the company.

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