
Lilly’s Effient steps forward, then back

A day after doctors were alerted to a black-box warning that could slow sales of Effient’s main competitor,
a medical journal published research showing that patients suffered 43-percent more cancer tumors on Effient than on Plavix.

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Security glitch exposes WellPoint customer data

Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. says it notified 470,000 individual insurance customers about an online security breach
that may have exposed medical records, credit card numbers and other sensitive information.

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OneAmerica to acquire McCready and Keene

McCready and Keene Inc. is the fifth-largest employee benefits firm in the Indianapolis area. It employs 95 people nationally, 82 of them in Indianapolis, according to IBJ research.

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David Stocum is the director of the Center for Regenerative Biology and Medicine at the IUPUI School of Science.
He and his team are studying how amphibians regenerate parts of their bodies to see if there are ways to induce humans to
regenerate tissue that is lost or damaged. The center has about 20 researchers and funding of about $14 million to fuel its

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Hospital jobs keep growing in recession

Hospitals continued to be a stable and slightly growing source of jobs and wages in Indiana—for better and for worse.
The sector paid $7.3 billion to 127,000 Hoosiers in 2008, according to the latest data from the American Hospital Association.

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Medicare cuts hit doctors as Congress feuds

Physician offices will begin receiving payments from the Medicare that are 21.3-percent below
what they’ve been getting so far this year. Doctors still expect Congress to reverse the payment cuts, but physicians
and the Medicare program will have to reprocess claims, costing both extra money.

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Braly’s political skirmishes hurting insurer, critics say

When WellPoint Inc. named Angela Braly its CEO three years ago, it touted her experience dealing with politicians and government
regulators. But WellPoint is now the poster child for health insurer bad behavior—credited in Washington with reviving a
dead health reform bill the company opposed.

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