
Indy firm launches bedsore weapon

The latest idea from Dr. James Spahn, an Indianapolis health care entrepreneur, should help hospitals and nursing homes do
a better job of preventing severe bedsores, or pressure ulcers. That’s good, because Medicare and private health insurers
increasingly won’t pay to treat them.

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Indiana moves up in med tech rankings

Medical technology companies employed 19,950 Hoosiers in 2007 and supported another 35,000 jobs in supplier companies, according
to an analysis funded by an industry trade group.

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Research reforms will force Lilly, others to test how drugs stack up

The federal government is currently doling out $1.1 billion in stimulus funds to pay for research that compares multiple medical
treatments against one another to determine which is most effective. Drug companies like Eli Lilly and Co. are wary that comparative-effectiveness
research could threaten their sales.

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Study: Online doc ratings mostly positive

Angie’s List physician rating service has been controversial since it started in 2008. But an academic journal article
is now telling the docs to relax. Nearly 90 percent of patient comments on sites like Angie’s List are positive.

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SynCare withdraws abatement request

Locally based SynCare LLC has withdrawn a request for a property tax abatement tied to the creation of 114 jobs. SynCare owner
Stephanie DeKemper said she pulled the request to ensure the employment projections are accurate.

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