
Conseco seeking to change its name

Carmel-based insurer Conseco Inc. will ask shareholders to approve changing the company’s name to CNO Financial Group,
the company said Thursday morning.

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IU study: Money matters to docs

Think doctors and hospitals aren’t influenced by money? Think again. Patients seen at private facilities reimbursed
by Medicare were 5.5 times more likely to receive routine cataract surgery than patients at poorly funded Veterans Affairs

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Docs fear reform will exacerbate ER overuse

One of the most agreed-upon reasons for health care reform was the expensive overuse of the emergency room by uninsured patients.
But two Hoosier ER docs—one conservative, one liberal—say the implementation of ObamaCare will leave that fundamental
problem unresolved.

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Indiana freezes some medical savings account rolls

The new federal health care bill will put 500,000 more Indiana residents on Medicaid and lead to higher state taxes, Gov.
Mitch Daniels said Monday, but a government insurance proponent said it will help families and businesses.

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Congress passes historic health care bill

To pay for the changes, the legislation includes more than $400 billion in higher taxes over a decade, roughly half of it
from a new Medicare payroll tax on individuals with incomes over $200,000 and couples over $250,000.

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Indiana health groups dial back lobbying

Indiana health-related companies were somewhat absent from the lobbying bonanza that gripped Washington, D.C., in 2009. For
all the heat and light about health reform, major Indiana companies actually spent slightly less to lobby Congress.

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