Report: Insurers secretly funded ads attacking health reform
Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. reportedly joined fellow health insurance giants to fund TV ads as insurers tempered their
support for reform.
Indianapolis-based WellPoint Inc. reportedly joined fellow health insurance giants to fund TV ads as insurers tempered their
support for reform.
The letter to Indianapolis-based Lilly cites a print advertisement for the antidepressant Cymbalta that did not adequately
display information about the drug’s side effects.
Indiana University is reorganizing its Cyclotron Facility to shift oversight to its School of Medicine. The Bloomington campus’
vice provost for research previously had overseen the cyclotron, which treats cancer patients with proton therapy.
Clarian Health soon will restart work on a new tower at Riley Hospital for Children near downtown Indianapolis and
is set to lift other cost-saving restrictions.
Roche Diagnostics named a new CEO for its North American operations Tuesday to replace Michael Tillmann, who resigned on Friday.
The management change comes as the Indianapolis company’s diabetes market share has been sliding. Roche says successor will
be named “shortly.”
Stephanie DeKemper believes everything in her adult life has prepared her to run SynCare LLC. She’s so
sure that she’s buying the company.
Health spending is growing slower than it has in 48 years, but whether health care reform will continue the trend is the
subject of debate here and around the country.
Doctors are pushing again to strengthen their hands in contract negotiations with health insurers, especially market leader
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
The long-term outlook for health care reform is uncertain, but many analysts are expecting big health insurers like Indianapolis-based
WellPoint to benefit in 2010.
John J. Greisch was most recently president of international operations at Baxter International Inc.
Attorney General Greg Zoeller says he’ll look at the constitutionality of parts of the federal health care bill, including
the so-called Nebraska compromise.
Lebanon-based hospital system also wants to refinance about $21 million in debt on new medical office building.
The agency said the meeting was canceled “to allow time for the FDA to review new information” about a proposed new use for
the drug.
So far this year, 35 people have died in Indiana from swine flu.
Legislation set to come out of Washington will not change the most fundamental problems of the health
care system, leaving it up to states, cities and companies to figure out what to do about it.
Jim Pearson knows a thing or two about raising money from venture capitalists. And he has some advice for BioCrossroads:
Teach entrepreneurs the value of money.
RealMed enjoys a nearly 99-percent renewal rate among its current customers and attracted 4,000 new doctors
in 2009. Employment at the company is rising after a steady decline.
Legal complaint alleges new $20 million facility in Greenwood breaches partnership deal struck in 2001.
Indianapolis health care heavyweights are among those spending $635 million, employing 166 former aides to key congressional
leaders and committees in health reform process.